Theo walked up to her with his dark eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't talk to me like that, bitch," he growled, then forcefully shoved her to the ground with a loud crack.

Riley's blonde hair splayed on the floor like ink, and her shoulder throbbed with pain.

"Get the hell away from her!" Harry roared.

Harry confronted Theo, getting up close to his face and delivering a solid punch to his jaw.

Theo groaned and staggered backward, but then he lunged at Harry, gripping his shoulders in an attempt to overpower him. He tightened his grasp around Harry's throat, causing him to cough violently.

"Get off him! Stop!" Riley yelled as she stood up.

Harry managed to remove Theo's hand and retaliated by punching him square in the nose, resulting in a loud crack. The Slytherin fell to the floor.

Riley swiftly drew her wand.

Theo slowly got up, clutching his bleeding nose. Drops of red stained the cold white tiles.

"Alright, seems like the sluts want to play," Theo cracked his neck.

Before she could cast a spell, Theo unexpectedly sucker-punched Riley in the stomach, making her yelp. He then turned his attention back to Harry and struck him in the mouth.

Quickly regaining her balance, Riley aimed her wand at her ex-boyfriend.

"Stupefy!" she shouted, releasing a beam of white light from her wand that hit Theo squarely in the chest. The impact sent him flying across the corridor, and he made no attempt to stand up.

The Slytherin groaned, closing his eyes.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked, his eyes shifting from Theo to Riley, who appeared unscathed.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, brushing off her Slytherin robes.

"Harry!" She hurried to his side, noticing the purplish bruise forming on his neck from Theo's grip and the blood coming from his mouth.

She cupped his cheeks.

"What?" he chuckled.

She gently ran her thumb over his bloody lip.

"Babe, your lip is bleeding, and your neck..." Riley's worried gaze trailed over his bruised, purple neck.

Harry glanced down at Riley.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine," he reassured her, gently stroking her cheek.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the corridor.

"Oh, my goodness! Explain yourselves!" Professor McGonagall's jaw dropped as she took in the sight of Theo's motionless form.

"Professor, Nott was harassing Riley," Harry explained.

"Explain later. Let's get the three of you to the Hospital Wing immediately," Professor McGonagall placed a comforting hand on Riley and Harry's backs, guiding them to the Hospital Wing.


About a week later, the whole incident with Theo had been resolved. Riley had explained to Professor McGonagall about Theo's verbal abuse and physical aggression, along with Harry's defensive actions.

Professor McGonagall believed them which led to Theo's suspension from the school for two weeks.

During the first week of Theo's suspension, news of Harry and Riley's relationship spread throughout the school like wildfire.

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