Chapter 22

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⚠️Suicide at the end⚠️


I trudged up the stairs, yawning. i opened my bedroom door and changed into my pyjamas and putting my clothes into the washing basket.

I slipped under my duvet and pulled it over my shoulders and a wave of tiredness slapped me across the face and i fell asleep.

-Start of dream-

Echo was laying next to me. I was laying next to her with her arm wrapped around my waist. "Y/N, i love you" She said kissing my cheek. "I love you too Echo" I said smiling.

She rolled over and sat on my hips. She bento over and kissed me again, and it was full of passion. She then gasped and the clothes she was wearing started to go red. A jet of blood flew out of her mouth and she collapsed next to me.

"Echo, Wake up !!" I screamed shaking her. She was cold and pale. "Echo please wake up" I shook her more and she let out one last breath and went limp.

"ECHOOO !!" I screamed crying.

-end of dream-

"ECHOOO !!" I shot up and i was crying. Frank ran into my room. "Y/N ?! Are you okay ?" I was shaking and crying and frank wrapped his arms around me. "She- she's dead" i sobbed into frank's chest. He sat me on his lap like a baby and was gently rocking me.

"Shhh, it's okay" He whispered and continued to rock me. After a few minutes of endless sobbing the tears stopped and i was drifting to sleep clutching onto Frank's shirt.

Frank's POV

She had fallen asleep after countless minutes of crying. I didn't want to disturb her so i lay back against the headboard and let her sleep on my lap. I gently ran my fingers through her hair, exposing her tear stained face.

I felt bad for her, she has lost everything she loves in a blink of an eye. But it's okay, because she has me, her Dad, her Mom, Ray and Mikey all to look after her.

If anything happens to her i wouldn't be able to live with myself. She meant the world to me and the guys.

Gerard's POV

There was screaming from Y/N's room then i heard rapid footsteps leading to her room and the door flung open. I stood in my doorway while i heard the crying die down. I left it a few minutes before entering her room.

"Hey, is she okay ?" I asked sitting on the edge of her bed, with Y/N laying on Frank's lap and him leant against the headboard.

"She had a nightmare about..... Echo" I could tell that Frank was hesitant about saying her name in case Y/N woke up. "Damn, she's really had a toll on N/N, hasn't she ?" I said crossing my legs.

"Yeah..." Frank said stroking her hair. It was so cute seeing Frank looking after her. "Okay, i'm heading back to bed, see you in the morning." I said walking back to my room.


I woke up and it was still dark. I looked around and saw Frank asleep with his hand on my head. I chuckled and hugged him, i'm so glad i had everyone to look after me.

I stood up pulling my hoodie over my head. "Where are you going ? I was warm" Frank said groggily. "I'm thirsty frankie" I said opening my bedroom door. "Okay, i'm coming with you" He jumped up and followed me downstairs. "Shush" i said to him before walking down the stairs.

I jumped onto his back and he carried me into the kitchen. I reached into the cupboard for a glass still on Frank's back. "Okay.." He plopped me down and i turned the tap on, filling the glass with cold water.

I quickly drank it and put the glass into the sink, jumping back onto Frank's back. "So forth small man" I said pointing towards the stairs.

He chuckled and ran upstairs. "Don't run" I said trying not to squeal. He laughed at me and took me back into the room. He plopped me down onto the bed. "Excuse me kind sir ? Can you stay ?" I pleaded before he walked away.

He turned around and jumped onto the bed and hugged me. "Of course your majesty" He said. I smiled and nestled my head against his chest. "Thanks frankie" I said and fell asleep. "You're welcome" i heard him say.

————— Time Skip to the Morning —————

I woke up if the grasp of Frank. His hair was sticking up everywhere and i couldn't help but laugh. I instantly covered my mouth when he opened his eyes. "What are you laughing at ?" He asked groggily.

"Your hair" I said letting myself laughs out. He reached up and flattened it down "Now stop laughing" he said pouting. "I'm sorry is a small man offended" I asked giggling. "Grrr" he said standing up and walking downstairs.

"Wait for me" I yelled after him and jumping on his back. "Where are Mikey and Ray ?" I asked. "They went home" Frank said taking me into the kitchen. "Morning dad" I said jumping down and taking some cereal out of the cupboard.

"Morning sweetie, Morning Frank" Gerard said. "Dad, is it okay if i go to the mall ? On my own please ?" I said. "Yeah, your mom will be home soon" He said. "Okay, i'll go once she gets home." I said eating my pancakes.

Once i had finished i cleaned everything up and went upstairs. I pulled on a pair of black, baggy and ripped jeans, i then put a MCR shirt and Black parade hoodie on. I then put on my chin my black combat boots and walked back downstairs. "Hi Baby" Lindsey said. "Mom !! I missed you" I said hugging her tight.

It had been a few years since they had adopted me and i'd never said that i'd missed them, but here we are. "Okay, i'll see you later bye mom, bye dad" I said before Gerard handed me twenty dollars. "don't spend it on crap" He said. "I won't" i said walking down the road.

After about fifteen minutes i had arrived and went straight to Hot Topic, i bought some bracelets then i went to starbucks and got a coffee, a smoothie and a cookie. I ate it all there before deciding to head home. As i got closer i saw a multiple ambulances outside the house.

I ran as fast as my weighted legs could take me and i saw Ray and Mikey's car in the drive way. Then i saw five gurneys with body bags on being wheeled. "NOOO !!!" I screamed and collapsed onto the floor.

It turns out there had been a fire and they hadn't managed to get out. "MOM !! DAD !!" i cried into my knees and then the police walked up to me. "Frankie please you can't be dead aswell, uncle mikey, Ray Ray" i said crying my eyes out.

"Excuse me ma'am do you know these people ?" one of the officers asked. "My family" i cried and okie of them hugged me. They explained what would happen.

——————— A few days later ——————-

'My Chemical Romance Members and the front man's wife perish in a deadly fire'

It was all over the news, all over the newspapers. The entirety of the MCR fandom was silenced to remember them........

I struggled with depression ever since and now was the time i decided to end it all.

I had my rope and i was walking to the tree in the park. "So king and goodnight fabulous killjoys" I said climbing the tree, and wrapping the noose around my neck.

I let myself fall from the tree and i was pulled into blackness. That's it. It had ended.

No-one's POV

She hung there, her attempt successful. Her pain had gone, she was with her family. But remember this:

She may be gone from this earth, but remember Killjoy's never die....

So long and goodnight.

Signed Y/N Way

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