Chapter 5

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My alarm went off, it didn't feel like i had slept long at all but i woke up and saw Gerard was gone and i was left on my own in my bed. I stood up and chucked a pair of black ripped jeans, a MCR T-shirt and a leather Jacket with one pair of Combat boots i had bought the day before.

I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. I made sure my eyeliner was perfect, then walked downstairs to find Gerard stood over a mug of coffee. "Oh good morning, Coffee?" Gerard asked.

"Ew, no thanks" I said grabbing a bowl and the box of cornflakes. "Okay" He said. I sat down at the table with my bowl and poured some milk into it. "So when are you taking me ?" I asked with a mouthful of cornflakes. "Once your ready, oh and don't forget the form you filled in yesterday" He said pointing his spoon at me.

"I won't it's in my bag" I said. "Okay, ima get changed and brush my teeth" He stood up, ruffled my hair and went upstairs. I groaned and finished my cornflakes.

I put the bowl in the sink and walked upstairs to re-brush my hair. I pulled the brush through it and walked into the bathroom.

Once i had brushed my teeth, i made sure i had everything then walked downstairs to find Gerard stood by the door. "You ready to go Kiddo ?" He said. I nodded and he walked out to the car with me behind him.

I sat in the car, it was silent apart from the odd yawn from Gerard every now and then. We pulled into the parking lot and i jumped out. "Have a nice day N/N" He waved. "Bye Gerard" I waved back and walked to the office.

I grabbed the form out of my bag and waited until the office lady looked up from her laptop.

"Hi, how may i help ?" She said. "Umm, i'm new, and these are the, um, the, the subjects i chose." I handed her the form and she wrote something down.

"Okay, name ?" She said. "Oh, in my name is Y/N L/N, or it might say Y/N Way" I said nervously. "Oh yes, daughter Of Gerard and Lindsey Way. Here is your timetable and your locker number is 345. Have a nice day sweetie"

She said handing me my timetable and locker combination. "Thank you, you too" I said. I walked around trying to find my locker. "Ah here it is" I said. I unlocked my locker and found my books in there.

I looked at my timetable and i had

Extra Music Lesson
Extended Mathematics
Extended English
End of the Day

I grabbed my Art book and my Music book and walked around trying to find the music classroom. After a few minutes of wondering around i found it.

I walked inside and sat down. "Are you new ?" The teacher said to me. "Uhhh yeah ?" I replied. No one else was in the classroom apart from us. "Oh cool, welcome" He said. The rest of the class started to file in and luckily i was here early so i could sit at the back.

"Okay, project, you're gonna be in either a pair or a solo and you're gonna have at least one instrument played and singing a song of your choice. Go ahead" Everyone got into pairs and i was left on my own in the corner. I already knew what i was going to play.

I was going to sing 'Famous Last Words' and i'm gonna play the guitar. We had a few weeks to prepare but i already knew all the words and the chords so i was sat in the corner, in my own thoughts.

—————— Time Skip to break——————

I walked out of art and bumped into someone. "sorry" i mumbled. "Ha the new kid is an emo" It was a popular kid. Of course.

I tried to walk away but he caught me by the shirt and threw me into the lockers. "Where the fuck do you think your going ?" He snarled. "Away from you" I said. That was clearly the wrong thing to say because he punched me in the face.

That's gonna leave a mark. I stood up to walk away and he tripped me over causing me to plummet onto the floor. I sighed. He kicked me in the stomach and the face a few times before leaving.

I got this a lot at my old school so i was used to it. I sat up and spat some blood onto the floor. I sat there for a while. I didn't want to complete the rest of the day so i messaged frank.

(you, Frank)

Do you know if Gerard and Lindsey are home ?

No i'm pretty sure they went out. Why ?

No reason, thanks

I put my phone back into my pocket and walked out of the school. It wasn't a long walk from the school to the house so i put my hood up in case they were home.

I walked up the patio towards the door. There wasn't a car in the drive way so i was guessing they had gone out. I opened the door quietly and shut it quietly too.

I walked around the corner to go to my room. "Why are you home so early ? And why is your hood up ? it's not raining" I heard from behind me.

Fuck. I thought. "Umm, i dunno." I tried to walk away. "Come here" Gerard said. "Umm, i need to pee" I lied. "You can pee after, come here" I reluctantly turned around and walked towards him.

He pushed my hood down and saw i had dried blood on my lip, and a black eye. "What the fuck ?!" He said. "It was my fault, i tripped over. Heh, clumsy me." I chuckled lightly.

"You didn't trip over, someone did that to you, and your gonna tell me who..." Gerard said sternly. "I don't fucking know, i don't even know anyone there, so how could i fucking know ?" I said in the same stern voice as him.

He sighed. "Fine, but i'm helping you clean it up" I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs to my room. So fucking unbelievable. I sat on the counter in the bathroom while Gerard cleaned the cuts on my face.

"All done." He said putting the stuff in the bin and walking back downstairs. I took my clothes off and put my Skeleton onesie on, because i was cold.

I walked back downstairs and grabbed a mug. "Do we have any tea bags ?" I said. "Yeah, lemme grab them down for you" He reached into a cupboard and gave me a teabag. "Thank you" I made myself a nice cup of tea before sitting on the couch and grabbing my phone out of my pocket.

"Where's lindsey gone ?" I said. "Groceries" Gerard said sitting next to me. "Oh fair enough." i said. "Oh by the way frank is coming over" Gerard said. "Oh okay". Then the front door opened. "I'm here" Frank called.

"Gerard i got a really weird tex- Oh, she's here, why did you wanna know if Gerard and Lindsey where home ?" Frank said sitting next to me.

I pulled my hood down. "Oh.... okay"


Total Words: 1245

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