Chapter 18

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I woke up and Echo was awake and scrolling through her phone still on my chest. "Good morning" I whispered and she looked at me and smiled. "Morning" she said kissed me. "Coffee ?" I said jumping out of the bunk and stretching.

"Yes please" She said doing the same. We walked to the kitchen and saw Frank smirking. "What's the matter with you ?" I asked turning the coffee machine on. "What did you two get up to last night huh ?" Frank said chuckling.

"Nothing ?" I said confused. "It didn't sound like nothing" Frank said giggling. "Frank i swear to god..... if you tell anyone i will two foot you in the face and leave you in the middle of the road" I threatened.

He giggled to himself and i rolled my eyes and handed Echo a coffee. "Thanks" She said sitting next to Frank. "I wouldn't sit next to him, he's too hyperactive" I said sitting opposite him.

Gerard woke up and stumbled from his bunk and grabbed the coffee. "Morning Gerard" Frank said smirking at me. I kicked him from under the table. "Ow, What was that for ?" He said. "You know what frank, you better keep your mouth shut" i whisper shouted at him.

"Mouth shut about what Y/N ?" Frank said. "I swear to god frank i will kick you so hard you won't be able to walk for a week" I snarled at him. "What's going on ?" Gerard said sternly.

"Frank you better shut your mouth" I growled at him. "Her and Echo were kissing last night, and then they said they love eachother" Frank said. Anger boiled through my body and i slammed my hands on the table and walked to my bunk.

I got in my bunk and pulled the curtain across and stared at my wall with pure anger and a angry tear fell down my face. "Y/N" Someone said. "Fuck off before i make you" I snarled without turning around.

"Y/N, please talk to me ?" He said again. "I said no, leave me alone" I shouted. The whole bus went quiet, but i couldn't storm off because we were on the highway. I pulled the quilt over my head and sobbed as quietly as i could.

After a while my phone pinged and i looked at it.

(you, Frank)

Y/N, i'm sorry

please answer me ?

i'm really sorry :c

I don't ducking care frank, you stepped the line and it's fucked me off. Why did you do it ?

I know and i'm sorry, it was a joke :c

It wasn't a very funny one.... 🖕

I'm sorry, Can you forgive me ?

I dunno.

I put my phone down and fell asleep. when i checked my phone i had messages from Echo.

(you, Echo)

Hey Y/N, i'm so sorry i had to go home because my mom passed away so i had to look after my Dad. I'm so sorry.

Hey, don't apologise, it's not your fault. I'm so sorry for your loss, i hope you feel better soon. 🖤🖤🖤

I put my phone back down and sighed. "You okay Y/N ?" I turned around and was met with a fro. "Hi ray, i'm okay" I said pushing the quilt off me abit. "You up for performing tonight ?" hey said rubbing my head. "Yeah, i'll be fine" i said.

"Okay, we are nearly at the venue so get ready okay ?" He said helping me down. "Okay" i said grabbing my makeup bag, a black tank top, Black skinny jeans and tall black combat boots.

I walked into the bathroom and changed, washing my face then applying a small amount of make up. We only had a few more days of Tour left then i get to see mom again.

I walked out and made myself a coffee and drank it before grabbing my guitar and phone. i decided to text Echo until we got to the venue.

(you, Echo)

Hey E, how you holding up ?

Hi, this is Echo's father. She came home earlier today because as you probably know her mother passed. She wasn't holding up very well so she went to her room. I went to check on her and she was dead on her bed. She had overdosed. I'm sorry.

I read the text and tears fell down my face uncontrollably. "Echo...." I said crying. "Hey Y/N, are you okay ?" Frank said hugging me. "Echo killed herself" I said crying profusely.

"Oh my god" i heard frank whisper. I cried and Gerard cancelled the tour because i was grieving and he didn't want to leave me on the bus on my own.

"I'm so sorry Dad" i said crying into his chest. "Hey, don't apologise, this was my choice because we wanted to look after you okay ?" He said and i nodded, i couldn't help but feel terrible.

We went home and The guys went to their houses. Gerard opened the door and i walked past him straight to my room.

Gerard's POV

"Hey linds" i said as Y/N walked past me and up the stairs. "Hey, is she okay ?" She asked concerned. "No, a girl she met on tour, they loved eachother, went home cause her mom died, and then her dad messaged Y/N to say that Echo had committed suicide" i said and a tear slid down my face.

"Oh man, i hope she's okay" lindsey said hugging me. "I do too" I said kissing lindsey on the head.


Total words: 923

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