Chapter 17

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Frank's POV

It was around midnight when i heard Y/N jumping off her bunk. "Dad are you awake ?" She whispered. "Hmm yeah, what's up ?" He said groggily. "I can't sleep" She said. I then heard rustling then quiet.

Gerard's POV

"Goodnight Y/N" i said kissing her head. "Hmm night dad" she said before drifting off to sleep. I held her tight as she fell asleep. I'm not sure why she couldn't sleep. Maybe it was what happened with Raven and Kate, but i'm not sure.

I can't believe Kate would do that to her, she was supposed to be Y/N's best friend.


I woke up and Gerard wasn't next to me. I heard talking from the living area. "Where's Y/N, she isn't in her bunk." Someone said, i'm pretty sure it was Ray.

"She's in my bunk, she couldn't sleep last night" Gerard said. I stretched and jumped off the bed and walked to the living area rubbing my eyes.

"Morning N/N" Frank said handing me a coffee. "Thanks Frankie" I said sipping it and sitting down next to him and yawning. "How long till we get to the next venue ?" I said leaning back.

"about four more hours" Mikey said sipping his coffee. "Okay, cool" I said searching the cupboards for some cereal. "Aha found it" I said taking the box of cornflakes out and putting some into a bowl.

I couldn't find any milk, so i sat down with dry cornflakes and started to eat them. "If i poured my coffee into my bowl would it count as milk ?" I said curiously. "I dunno try it" Frank said. I poured my coffee into my bowl and Gerard, Ray and Mikey groaned in disgust.

"Dad can you pass me a spoon ?" i said. A spoon clanged along the table and i picked it up. "Thanks" i said, dipping it into my coffee cornflakes and ate them. "That's so good, try it" I said getting another spoonful and giving it to Frank.

He ate it. "Oh my god that is good" He said. I took my spoon back and continued to eat.

"I think i'm gonna stick to dry cereal" Gerard said. "I second that" Ray said. "I third that" Mikey said. "You guys are boring" Frank said doing the same as me.

Whilst frank and i were eating out coffee cornflakes the other were eating their dry, boring cornflakes. "Ight, Ima get changed" I said jumping over Frank and walking to my bunk, grabbing my clothes and things i needed.

I then went into the bathroom and showered, changed and sorted myself out and did my makeup. "Looking good Kid" Ray said ruffling my hair. "I just brushed that" i said grabbing my hairbrush and brushing it again.

I sat on my bed for awhile when Gerard came up to me. "Here's a computer, you need to catch up on work." He said.

"Ugh..." I said. I logged onto the website and did a few hours work before we got to the Venue. "Dad, i'm done" I said shutting the laptop down. "Okay, we are here now anyway" Gerard said.

I looked at my phone and i had a few messages from Echo.


Looks like i'll be seeing you sooner than i thought.

Wdum ?

My mom accidentally bought tickets to every single show 😂

That's Awesome, I'll ask my dad if you can stay on the bus with us, so your mom doesn't have to drive you around America.

Oh my goodness, Could you ? That would be amazing thank you so much.

It's fine Dw :P 😁

"Dad ?" I shouted. "Yeah ?" He shouted back. "Is it okay if my friend Echo stays in the bus with us, so her mom doesn't have to drive her around America because she accidentally bought tickets to every show." i said crossing my fingers.

"I don't see why not ?" He shouted. "Thanks dad, love you" I said and picked my phone up.

(you, Echo)

I asked my dad and he said you can, just bring a bag to the show tonight, and tell your mom that we will look after you.

Okay, thank you so much Y/N. I really appreciate it.

It's not a problem really, meet me out the front of the Venue as soon as you can 🖤

Will do 🖤🖤

I giggled to myself and put my phone down. "What's the matter with you N/N ?" Frank said grinning. "Nothing" i said hiding my face.

He walked off giggling and i put my Black shirt with a denim Jacket, burgundy doc martens, Black skinny jeans and my hair half up half down.

I walked with my stuff with the rest of them and my phone dinged. "Oh it's Echo, Be right back" I walked to the front of the venue and i met echo with a hug. "I'll take you to the dressing room then we will bring your stuff back later after the show okay ?" I said.

"Yeah" She said. She seemed really excited, i led her to the dressing room which we had to ourselves because we were the only girls.

"So, the guys are doing a soundcheck, so do you wanna go annoy them ?" I asked. "Sure" Echo said. We left the changing rooms and found the plug where everyone's things were plugged in.

"Okay, i'm gonna pull the plug on My dad's mic, you pull the plug on Frank guitar, ready ?" She nods and i count down from three and we pull it. Gerard looks confused and starts to flip his Mic on and off over and over again. Me and Echo are loosing it because Gerard is so confused and Frank is still playing it and hasn't even realised.

Me and Echo run down the steps of the stage and down the front of it laughing. "Little fuckers" Gerard mumbled and plugged everything back in.

Once the concert started i was gonna go on and sing 'the light behind your eyes' with Gerard and Echo was on the edge of the stage singing along with all the words of the songs.

They sung Mama first, then Gun. , then Planetary (GO!), then it was time for me to go on. I put my guitar strap over my head and walked on.

I did my introduction and started to sing. I did the first half of the song and Gerard did the rest.

We filed off and Echo hugged me. "You were awesome" She said. "Thanks" I said. We collected our stuff and went back to the bus. "Echo, you okay with sleeping in Y/N's bunk ?" Gerard said. "Yeah that's fine, thanks" She said smiling at them and Frank nudged me and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Frank, you're a fucking weirdo" i said and pushed him. He was giggling and we grabbed some food before heading to bed.

I let echo jump onto my bunk first so she was closer to the wall and i jumped in next to her. She instantly wrapped her arms around my waist  I smiled and hugged her pulling the curtain across.

We stayed up for ages just talking and watching some netflix on my phone and taking selfies. "Everyone's asleep" She whispered giggling. "I know, it's weird" i said peeking out of the curtain.

When i turned my head back around, she kissed me on the lips and my hand went up and cupped her cheek. She moved her hands to tangle into my hair and she pulled away. "Oh my god, i think i love you" She whispered and i kissed her again. "I think i love you too" I whispered and she lay with her head on my chest and fell asleep.

I fell asleep with a big smile on my face.


Total Words: 1303

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