Chapter 1

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A/N- Btw Bandit doesn't exist in this story, sorry.

I was sat down a small alleyway near the church, with my headphones in blasting My Chemical Romance into my ears. "Hey, You okay ?" I heard from next to me. I stood up and ran.

I don't know why i ran i just did, i guess it's engraned in me. Anyway, Hi my name is Y/N L/N, I am 14 years old and I've been in foster care for the majority of my life, my parents died the night before my 3rd birthday and i've been in foster care ever since.

I ran down the road to my care home, we have a curfew, we aren't allowed to leave until 10am and we have to be back by 10am, right now the time is 8:27 am, I snuck out.

I climbed up the pipe to my window and pulled it open. "Ugh Y/N, one of these days the Matron is gonna catch you... Anyway get ready because people are coming to adopt today, they are important or something" Yes, that's my roommate Kate, we have basically grown up together and she is my best friend.

"Yeah, well i needed some time to myself. CATCH ME !!" I said tumbling over the window onto the floor.

"So, you look like you ran a marathon" Kate said chucking me a hair brush. "Thanks Katie cat" I said plopping down on my bed. "I'm so tired. I haven't even eaten yet" I said pulling my brush through my electric blue hair.

"I can't wait to see who it is" Kate said clapping her hands. "Get ready Y/N they are gonna be here soon" Kate said pulling me up. "Ughhh" I pulled my earphones out and put my Ipod on full volume blasting My Chem.

There was a knock on the door. "Y/N, Turn that shitty music down !" The matron shouted. "Sorry !!" I shouted back. I turned it down abit and and got changed.

I pulled a black MCR t-shirt over my head with black skinny jeans, and black converse with MCR painted on the sides. "You really like MCR don't you" Kate said. "Well yeah, Gerard is so HOT !" I yelled. "Yeah and he's like 20 something years older than you" Katie said. "Sooo, He is still hot." I pulled my ipod towards me and started to add more Gerard Way images to my camera roll.

Yes, my entire camera roll is Gerard Way/ MCR, apart from 1 image of me and Kate. It was 9:50 am when i decided to walk out of my room and venture downstairs for some toast.

"Morning Matron" I said Smiling sweetly. "Morning honey, how are you ?" She said passing me a plate. "I'm good. Crossing my fingers, i really wanna be adopted." I chuckled lightly and she nodded. "I think you will like who is coming today dear." She said as i sat down at the table.

I had just finished when the doorbell rang. "Okay places children." I didn't know where i was meant to be so i just sat on the table with my Ipod in. "Psst turn that down i can hear it." One of the other kids said. "Sorry can't hear you, my music is too loud." I said sarcastically.

I hopped off the table and walked with my head down until i bumped into someone, knocking me over. "Ow, i'm sorry i'm just gon-" I looked up, and saw a male with Firetruck red hair and and a beautiful woman was stood next to him.

"Y-you G-G-Gerard W-Way." I stuttered standing up. "Oh my god did u hurt you" I said covering my face. "No, your fine" He chuckled. "And yes i am, you heard of me ?" I gasped.

"Of course i've fucking heard of you, you are literally my favourite person in this entire planet." I said. I looked around and saw that the woman who i now know was Lindsey.

"Y/N could you come in here a second." Matron gestured to me and i walked past Lindsey into the office. "You're being adopted" She said with a big smile on her face. "Wait by Gerard Way, THE GERARD WAY ?!" I said with a big smile on my face. "YES !!" The matron hugged me tight.

Hot tears rolled down my face. "Thank you so much" I said to matron. "I'm gonna go pack." I ran out of the office and up the stairs. "KATE !! IM BEING ADOPTED BY NY FAVOURITE HUMAN" Kate looked up from her book and smiled. "Oh my God yayyy !!" Kate said dropping it. "Let me help you pack" She said grabbing a bunch of bags and dumped them in the floor.

"I only have a few clothing items Kate, i don't need that many bags" I laughed. I pulled my clothes out and dumped them into the bags.

"Wait my guitar." I ducked under my bed pulling out a case. I smiled at the site of it and dusted it off. "Is that the one that has all the images of Gerard way on ?" I nodded.

"It's the only guitar i have" I sassed. "Ha, that's gonna be weird, having your new dad on your guitar and all over you ipod. And wait" She stood up and wrote something on some paper. "My number, call me as soon as you get to your new home." I nodded and slipped it into my pocket.

I had all my bags and guitar, and walked down the stairs. "You ready kiddo ?" Gerard asked me. "Yep" I nodded fast and smiled at the Matron.

"Okay so the plan is, We are gonna go home, we will get you settled in and tomorrow we will get some school supplies and stuff to decorate your room" Lindsey said putting my things into the trunk. "Can i just say, Thank you so much for adopting me, i've been in care since i was three and i-I.. Just thank you so much and You are my favourite people on this entire earth."

I stuttered. "It's fine Kiddo, you like the band ?" Gerard said pouting at my shoes and shirt. "Oh yeah, you guys are like my all time favourite and i have you all over my guitar and ipod..." I said.

"Oh..." Gerard said opening the door to the car. "Yeah.." I said sitting in. I heard Lindsey laughing in the passenger seat.

"So, OH MY GOD, i just realised MIKEY IS MY UNCLE !!" I yelled. "Yeahhh" Gerard said.

"I'm gonna be Franks best- wait no Second best friend because Obviously Gerard is number 1..." I said. "You do that girly" Lindsey said fist pumping me.

We pulled up to there house and i marvelled at the sight of it. "Wow...." I said. "You like it ?" Lindsey said getting my stuff out of the car. "Like it ? I LOVE IT !" I said smiling. I grabbed my guitar and ran inside. "Wait, let me show you to your room" Gerard said jogging infront of me. He lead me up some stairs and to a door.


"JUST OPEN IT, THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME" I giggled. He opened the door to reveal a double bed with black sheets. "omg this is awesome" I dropped my bags and jumped into the bed. "THIS is so comfyyyy" I rolled around. 

"Yeah ?" Gerard said. "Yesssss" I kept rolling around. "WAIT ! Where is my Ipod ?" I said.

"Here in my hand, you dropped it" Gerard said opening it. "WAIT DONT LOOK AT THAT !!" I said reaching for the Ipod. "That is a lot of my face....." Gerard said.

"Welp, since you have seen that, look at my guitar" I sighed. He moved over to my guitar and unzipped the case. "Wow......" Gerard said. "Yep...." I said nodding slightly.


Total Words. 1315

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