Chapter 2

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"Well, get some rest, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow Y/N" He shut my Guitar box and let me move my stuff to a corner. "Okay" He left the room and shut the door behind him.

I smiled. I looked over to the cabinet and saw a box with a ribbon. I moved over to it and opened it. "Omg, it's a phone." I took it out of the box and it had a note

It's already been set up, it has mine, Lindsey's and the guys numbers in :P have fun

I giggled and pulled out the paper from my pocket.

(Kate, You)


I'm sorry who is this ?

It's me.. Y/N, don't tell me you have forgotten about me ?

OMG Y/N, so much has happened since you left. I got a new roommate. It's that Bimbo emma. I already hate her and now our room smells like petals. Also, I miss you so fucking much.

I miss you too Kate, but i'll see you soon i promise.

I put my phone down and changed out of my clothes into black long-legged and long- sleeved Pj's that have 'Bite me' in big white letters across the front.

I skipped downstairs. "Hey, kiddo, Pj's already ?" Gerard chuckled. "Yep, these are my favourite clothing items. Mainly because they are soft and comfortable." I said.  "Hmm Fair enough. Oh wait i have something for you." He got up and ran upstairs.

Whilst he was up there i went to lindsey in the Kitchen. "Make some pancakes, We are gonna pancake report Gerard" I giggled and we high-fived. She got to making them and we had one each ready. We stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Shhh he's coming" Lindsey whispered. She gestured 3, 2, 1 to me and we both smacked the pancake in Gerard's face. "Very funny, anyway Y/N, i got you a matching skeleton Onsie, like mine" He handed it to me and i started to cry.

"Oh my god, did i do something wrong" Gerard asked. I shook my head and looked up at him. "I've never been given gifts before. Thank you so much." I hugged Gerard and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank you, Gerard. Thank you, Lindsey. for everything" I started to cry a bit more and hugged lindsey. "The guys are coming around soon, why don't you go and put that on yeah ?" Lindsey said to me.

"Hold up, I'm gonna meant My Chemical Romance, I'm not wearing My Pyjamas." I ran upstairs and put my best outfit on which was a My Chem collared shirt and Black jeans with combat boots.

I did some winged eyeliner and walked downstairs. "Okay i'm ready" I smiled sitting on the couch. "You didn't have to dress up ya know ?" Gerard said.

"Didn't have to dress up ? You guys, are still my  refuge. You guys basically saved my life and i love you guys. As you have already seen." I said as the door opened. "Oh my god they are here." I stood up and jumped up and down.

"Hehehehe, wait what am i gonna say ?" I started to pace as Gerard Stood in the doorway.

"Okay Y/N, calm down, they are coming in now" He chuckled and Ray, Mikey and Frank walked in. "OH MY GOD YOU'RE REAL. AND YOU'RE NY UNCLE." I pointed at Mikey and Hugged him.

"Yes, and you're my Niece." Mikey said patting my back. I hugged each and Everyone of them before jumping around. "My favourite humans on the earth are stood right infront of me" I started to nervous giggle a lot.

Lindsey put her hand on my back. "Calm down sweetie, you're gonna scare them away" She giggled and i pulled myself together. "Phew, sorry, umm my name is Y/N L/N, wait no, Y/N Way. I am 14 years of age and yeah" I said smiling at them.


Total Words: 667

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