Chapter 20

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It had been a few weeks since Echo passed and her funeral had been and gone. She lived around here so it wasn't far from the cemetery so every week i go and place flowers on her grave.

I was woken up by someone breathing heavily on my face. I opened my eyes and Frank was panting like a dog. "Frank what the fuck ?" I said pushing him away. He was giggling and i sat up. "Gee wants you downstairs" He said prancing out of my room.

"Jeez you're weird" i whispered to myself. I stood up and pulled a hoodie over my pyjamas and walked down the stairs. "Yeah dad ?" I said. "What ?" He said confused. Frank was laughing in the corner. "Frank you're an asshole" i growled.

He was sipping his coffee so i grabbed it and drank it. "Hey !" He whined. "That's for waking me up bitch" I said grinning. Gerard was chuckling in the corner and Frank was pouting like a toddler.

"It's fine, i'll make a new one" Frank said and walking to the coffee machine. I chuckled and grabbed the bread and put it in the toaster. Once i pushed it down, frank kept popping it up. "Frank piss off" I said pushing his away.

"Frank leave my daughter alone" Gerard said and frank backed off. "Thanks Dad" i said. "No problem kiddo" He said. I smiled and then waited for my toast to pop on its own. "Where's mom ?" I asked. "Band practice" Gerard said scrolling through his phone. "Oh okay" i said as my toast popped.

I buttered it and sat opposite Gerard. "So, what we doing today ?" I asked. "We can invite the guys around, play games and watch movies ?" He said. I nodded and took a bite of my toast. "Okay, i'll message Ray and Mikey now" He said. "Why is frank here so early ?" I asked.

"I don't know, i'm pretty sure he broke in" Gerard said chuckling. "No, Lindsey let me in" we heard his say from the living room. We laughed and finished our food. I ran upstairs and changed into my blue boots, black Green Day shirt and Panic! At The Disco denim jacket and my ripped black jeans.

I brushed my hair and ran back downstairs. Oh yeah, i forgot to mention my hair is no longer blue, i dyed it red. Anyway, i tripped down the bottom of the stairs and face planted the floor. "Ow, fucking hell, Who put that step there ?!" I yelled and Gerard laughed. "Are you okay ?" He asked helping me up.

"Yeah, i'm fine" i giggled and i went into the living room and sat down on the couch. "Gee we are here" Someone called. I got up, ran and hugged them. "Hi uncle mikey, Hi ray" i said. "Hey kiddo" they said. I ran back into the living room and jumped onto the couch.

Ray, Mikey, Gerard and Frank all walked in and sat down. "What film should we watch ?" they asked. "Can we watch MCR on crack ?" I asked. "What's that?" They asked. "It's on youtube" i said pulling youtube up onto the TV. i typed it in and pressed on the first one.

By the fifth video we were all pissing ourselves laughing. "Who makes these ?" Gerard said in between laughs. "Fans" i said. We ended up watching like fifteen of those videos. Then Frank put on the conjuring.

I was hidden under Gerard's arm. I hated Horror movies, especially this one. My last foster family forced me to watch it otherwise they wouldn't feed me. I had nightmares about it for weeks and lost a ton of sleep.

"Dad, can i go upstairs please or can you turn it off ? I don't like it" I whispered and he nodded flicking it off. "Sorry, what do you wanna watch ?" He asked. "Hmmm, Can we watch The Vampire Diaries ?" I asked and he nodded. He flipped onto Netflix and pressed play.

I had already watched it once before and i knew everything that happened. The guys were entranced and i found that funny. It was a soppy love story about Vampires, werewolves, sirens, travellers and hybrids.

Frank was staring at the screen like there was no tomorrow, Ray and Gerard were looking confused and Mikey was just sat normally watching it normally.


Total Words: 731

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