Chapter 13: That sounds great Joonie

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"Joonie, wish me luck" Namjoon looked up from his phone, just in time to receive a lapful of Jin as he sat there, looping his arms around Namjoon's neck. He was ready for work, opting to get some days in before they left for their vacation.

"What for?"

"Something important I have to go do" Namjoon narrowed his eyes, like he was contemplating asking him what exactly Jin had to go do. But he seemed to decide against it.

"Best of luck. Whatever it is, you got it. Because you're you" He kissed Jin's forehead as Jin's poor heart melted for the one millionth time.


Jin had hoped, no he had prayed, he would never have to come back to this apartment. Yet here he was. He would have stood, waiting, at the doorstep for eternity if Mark hadn't been staring at him pointedly. Crossing all his fingers and toes that this works, Jin walked over the threshold.

"I almost thought you'd chicken out on me again Jinnie" Mark ran a hand up Jin's side and it took every fiber of his being to not flinch away. Focus Seokjin. He was leaning in. Jin turned away from him, putting on his best fake smile.

"Geez Mark. I'm here aren't I? At least get me a drink first" Something in his fake smile worked as Mark huffed but was content in just pinching Jin's side before moving into the apartment.

"That hunk of yours let you out of his sight? How stupid" The insecurity in Mark's voice was palpable. Jin decided to play along, raking his eyes around the apartment. A phone, a laptop anything. Any of them were sure to have filth on Mark, Jin knew. He only needed to find it and dash.

"With great difficulty. What did you say to him?" Jin hated his words, even as he said them. To be talking about Namjoon behind his back. But Mark chuckled, from inside the kitchen.

"Oh, all kinds of shit. How you didn't know how to quit me, that your dad only just managed to keep you away from me"

"Ahh that make sense" Jin agreed distractedly. Come on. Where was the laptop? Was it in the bedroom? Jin's stomach sank at the thought of what it would take on his part to get to the bedroom. "What did he say?"

"That he didn't care, I should leave yaada yaada. Then of course I brought out the pictures" Jin spotted a huge mess of laundry on the couch. Maybe it was under there? He went over and began rifling through it.

"Which ones?"

"Just the ones I sent you. No nudes, didn't want the guy calling the police on me. Just enough to disgust him. So he won't want to come near you" The way Mark was gloating, like it was a stroke of genius to have done this. Jin wasn't a vicious person by nature, but in this moment, he wished death upon Mark. At least his plan hadn't worked. Namjoon had wanted to come near him. As near as one could. Jin's hand collided with something solid. He grabbed it to pull the laptop out. Just then Mark walked out of the kitchen holding two scotches. A minute. One more minute and Jin would've made it out. It was always about the minutes in this apartment. "What are you doing?" Mark stilled. Jin turned on his heels and ran. The sound of shattering glass reached his ears. Jin fumbled with the door. Dead bolts? Since when did this door have-

Something heavy crashed with the back of Jin's head before everything blacked out.

Something was digging into his wrists. A ghost of a pain was thrumming in his abdomen. Soon though the ghost pain faded in the face of a very very real pain in the back of his head. Jin blinked his eyes open. His eyelids felt like lead. He was bound to a chair and Mark was sitting in front of him.

"What the fuck Mark? Let me go" He wrestled against his bounds, but his head spun violently. Jin stilled.

"You have a concussion. You deserve much worse but for now, you have a concussion" Mark's voice was sending shivers down his spine. How long had it been?

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