Chapter 6: Shitake Mushrooms

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"Joonie. Joonie, phone" Jin reached over and slid Namjoon's headphones off and handed him the phone. He looked disoriented for a second before he answered it, looking a little sheepish. They were in the living room. Namjoon had been doing some work on his laptop, while Jin graded papers.

"Yes Minju-nim. Is this business?" Jin heard him ask. The answer apparently was no because his tone lightened instantly. "Ok then, wassup noona?" Jin paid the conversation no attention until he heard Namjoon sound a little alarmed. "Oh come on noona I thought it was a joke" Whatever it was, wasn't a joke because Namjoon was shaking his head. He didn't look too alarmed, just frustrated. "Fine" he sighed. "Yes I'm telling him. Yes ok. Yes see you Saturday" He cut the call and flung his phone away on the opposite side of the couch.

"What's wrong?" Jin's curiosity got the best of him. Not to mention Namjoon now looked a bit frazzled. He sighed again and looked at him.

"We're hosting a party. Here. On Saturday" Jin raised his eyebrows.

"We are?" Namjoon slid down from the couch to join Jin on the carpeted floor.

"I'm so sorry I know I should've asked but it's not like we can say no now." Jin couldn't help but smile. It had taken his husband 2 seconds to get actually apologetic.

"I don't mind having a party. A little context would be nice though"

"Well they want to meet you. I offered to take us all out somewhere but they're insistent on coming here. See what we've done with the place" Jin automatically looked around.

"We didn't do anything with the place" Namjoon laughed, looking less frazzled now.

"They're just being nosy. But they care. I can't say no to them forever so... we're having a party this Saturday"

"Your colleagues, right?" Namjoon nodded. "How are you this close to them? Aren't you their boss?" He shrugged. It was easy to forget just how high ranking and rich Namjoon really was. Right now, at home, wearing a cream-colored sweatshirt and grey sweats he looked almost like a fresh graduate. Not more than 5, 6 people ever got to see him look this homely. The realization made Jin feel strangely warm and possessive, almost.

"I am their boss, but they'd all been at the company before me. And I am quite a bit younger than them and I was their boss, but they always helped me. Had my back when I tried for head of the division two years into working here. Most people thought I was crazy to even be trying but not them. They're... a lot. But I owe them a lot." Honestly, Jin admitted to himself, he could listen to Namjoon talk for hours. But he had to respond as well.

"Well then we should throw them one hell of a party no?"

They began planning their first ever party, the next day. They sat on their couch, Namjoon's laptop open in front of him. He had finally listed down all the people he wanted to call, while Jin looked up some simple invitation template to customize.

"Here" Namjoon pushed the laptop towards Jin. He took it, even though he had no idea what he was supposed to be doing with it.

"I'm sure you got em all Joonie, I don't need to see it" Namjoon picked up a bag of chips, ripping it open.

"I know I got them all. Now you add your friends" Jin stared at his screen, blank. His friends. "Do you not wanna call anyone?"

"Do I have to?" He looked at Namjoon. He considered it, popping a few chips in his mouth.

"You don't want to show your friends our home?" He had tried to speak casually but Jin could hear the underlying wounded puppy tone loud and clear.

"No no it's not that. I've just not kept in touch with them"

"They couldn't all have been terrible?" No. None of them had been terrible actually. They had always been on his side. It was Jin who had shut himself out from everyone.

Are you sure? || NamJinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora