Chapter 9: My Star

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For all intents and purposes, Jin really liked December. He also really liked Christmas. Not that there had been much fanfare around Christmas in their house. His father had very early on let him and his brother know that there was no Santa. That his parents bought presents for them and the only way to get good ones was to actually be nice. Still, this year especially Jin loved how the season gave everyone a reason to be happy and sappy. Not that Jin needed much of a reason these days. He also loved how pretty everything was in December. The trees, decorations, music. The mall he was standing in was decked out in all its Christmas glory.

"Hobi look isn't that tree so pretty?" Jin received no response. "Hobi?" Turning around, Jin found that Hobi was no longer with him. Jin wasn't too alarmed though. Hobi's bright red hair, which he had recently dyed, was easy to spot. Soon Jin clocked him, walking away down the floor, and caught up to him. "Slow down geez Hobi" Hobi turned around, alarmed.

"You weren't following Hyung? Who have I been talking to all this time" He linked their arms together, like he was afraid Jin would wander off again.

"Why do you power walk across the mall Hobi?" Hobi laughed.

"You just walk very slowly Hyung" Jin had come to really like Hobi. Him and Namjoon were close and so naturally Jin had wanted to get along with him. And it had turned out to be very easy. Hobi was a social butterfly. Loud, energetic, and caring. Also he was great to shop with. Namjoon, while he hadn't been rich growing up, had been rich for long enough to be a terrible shopping partner. When Jin asked him to pick between 2 sweaters, he said stupid things like "Why don't you just get both of them?" Where was the fun in that? So Jin now shopped with Hobi mostly. Sometimes he accompanied Tae and Mimi to the mall as well. "What else have you got left Hyung?" Jin unlocked his phone to look at his list.

"Ugh. I have to get this obnoxious sweater as Joonie's Christmas present"

"You sound thrilled" Hobi teased, now walking a little slower because of Jin.

"It's ugly Hobi. But he wants nothing else. I don't know what's wrong with him" Jin knew where to get the sweater and he led them to the shop.

"Holy shit Hyung, that is tragic" Hobi exclaimed when the salesperson brought the sweater out. Jin looked at it sadly, contemplating just not getting it.

"Jinnie?" They both whipped around to the sound of his name. Jin's blood ran cold. He instinctively moved to put Hobi between himself and the person who had called. Mark. It was Mark. Jin could feel his knees give out.

"You know him Hyung?" Hobi was completely oblivious to the misery Jin was in. This could not be happening. Would it be ok to just drag Hobi out and go home?

"Oh yeah. We used to be... close" Mark was looking at him. And his gaze was predatory. Jin was getting entirely too many flashbacks at once. "Is this your husband Jinnie? I heard you got married" Hobi laughed out loud.

"No no. I'm the husband's best friend. You didn't attend the wedding?"

"No I was out of town" Mark lied easily. "Which was a shame really. You don't happen to have photographs, would you?" Jin looked on in horror as Hobi whipped his phone out. His throat was dry, saying words was impossible right now. He looked on helplessly as Hobi pulled up photos from the wedding and handed the phone to Mark. Mark studied them with a neutral expression before returning the phone back. "Congratulations Jinnie. What did you say your friend's name was?" He asked Hobi.

"Yeah well thanks. We really should be going Hobi" Jin finally interrupted. Over his dead body was he going to give Mark Namjoon's name. "Nice to meet you again after so long Mark" He turned around, hurriedly asking the salesperson to pack his sweater. He held onto the counter for support as he heard Mark bid Hobi goodbye.

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