Chapter 1: I do

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"Markie come one" He watched as Mark lobbed another empty beer can to the side of the literature building. "You'll get us into trouble again"

"You better get used to it Jinnie" Mark raised his arms out, standing on the roof of Jin's car. "Because you and I, we're forever"

A cough jolted him back to reality. He came face to face with a disgruntled looking priest, looking at him pointedly. Panic set into his veins. How long had he spaced out for? Standing at the altar, of all places. At least a hundred people were staring at the back of his head right now, watching him make a fool of himself. He felt a slight squeeze on his hand. Right, he was holding hands with someone. Someone he was about to get married to. Jesus Seokjin get it together. He turned to face the hand-squeezer. The tall, silver-haired man smiled reassuringly at him. "Take your time" he mouthed. Jin cleared his throat.

"Sorry" He faced the crowd. "Nerves" He added, causing a peal of light laughter to break out in the hall.

"Maybe we could start again?" Oooh. That was a deliciously deep voice his husband to be had there. He turned around to face him. The pictures really hadn't done the man justice, because they did nothing to put across the aura of power he was exuding. The priest sighed an I-don't-get-paid-enough-for-this sigh and restarted.

"Do you take Kim Namjoon to be your lawfully wedded husband, Kim Seokjin-ssi?"

We're forever. "I do"

"Do you see that guy over there?" Jin was jolted out of where he had been severely zoning out. He only now noticed their table was empty except for them. It was his own wedding and Jin had clocked out right after dinner had been served. When had their families left? Namjoon was looking at him with amusement, waiting for him to recover. Jin followed his pointing finger to see the guy he was talking about.

"Yes. What about him?"

"That's my brother" The kid was tall, just like Namjoon. His hair was dark, and it looked like he'd gotten it permed. He was dancing with an older lady, maybe an aunt. "And he owes us a dinner" Jin raised his eyebrows. "You see. We had this bet. When you refused to see me before the wedding, Taehyung bet there was something wrong with you that your folks were hiding" Jin could feel his face heating up. He was sure his blush was completely visible, but Namjoon was choosing to not address it. Small mercies. "He bet you were cross-eyed" Jin choked a little on his champagne. He glared at Namjoon who was now laughing. He had dimples, Jin noticed.

"Well the only thing wrong with me is my personality" Namjoon kept laughing. It was pleasant, low pitched, and coming out in short spurts. He turned his chair around so that he was facing Jin directly. Then he cut into his steak.

"Why did you say no to seeing me?"

"The elders had decided, and I trusted them. It would have just been awkward" Jin shrugged, slicing his own fish. Namjoon nodded. He was definitely sizing Jin up. Which was fair. It was the first time they were talking after all.

"Do you know what I do for a living?" Jin vaguely knew. His mother had told him something about eco-friendly technology and the Head of division. She's mostly gushed about how rich Namjoon apparently was.

"It's eco-friendly tech right?" Namjoon seemed satisfied with that answer. Jin only hoped he wouldn't ask Jin what he did. Which was nothing. At this point, Jin was unemployed.

"I know how we can use our time here and have fun" Namjoon suddenly turned his chair back towards the dancing crowd. "Point your family out to me. Tell me who they are, and the dirt on them. I'll do the same" There was a mischievous glint in Namjoon's eyes. Eyes that were very bright and sharp. They were beautiful really.

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