Chapter 12: Perfect

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The next morning, Namjoon offered they take the day off. But Jin didn't feel like worrying him anymore. He definitely didn't feel like staying cooped up, alone with his thoughts. So he forced them both to go to work. It was well into the night when he began cursing himself for not taking Namjoon's offer. It was 11 PM and Namjoon wasn't home. He'd called him a million times. He even called the office. They told him he left around 7, like he usually did. Now it was 4 hours later, and no one knew where he was. Jin was anxiously pacing around the living room. Did something happen? Surely someone would have called him if there had been an accident. His thoughts quickly went to Mark. Could he have done something? It got to 11:30 and Jin decided as soon as midnight struck, he was going to call the police line and report Namjoon missing. Suddenly the front door began beeping angrily. Jin saw the keypad flash red, the way it did when someone entered the wrong combination. He heard voices.

"Of course it's not the same anymore Taehyung, he's married now. Ring the bell" Jin rushed forward and opened the door just as the bell rang. It was Jimin and Taehyung. And they had Namjoon with him. Well Taehyung had him, all collapsed against his shoulder, Jimin helping in holding him up. He was unconscious.

"Oh hey Jin hyung." Jimin waved, panting.

"What happened? I was worried sick" Jin asked, still absorbing the sight. Namjoon didn't look hurt, but he was definitely out cold.

"Hyung, brace yourself" Taehyung grunted, shifting.

"What? For wha-" Before he could even finish Taehyung pushed all of Namjoon off himself and towards Jin. It was a miracle he caught him and another miracle that he didn't fall back.

"How much does he weigh?" Taehyung grunted, massaging his arm.

"A lot, apparently" Jin struggled to stay upright. Taehyung finally shook his arm out and then helped Jin drag Namjoon to bed. It took the wind out of both of them, dragging him up the stairs. He didn't even stir once through the entire thing. Jin then took the boys to the kitchen and poured them some water. "What happened?" he asked again. The two boys shared a look.

"We don't know hyung. We just got the 911 text"

"911 text?" Jimin began to explain as Jin got an ice pack for Taehyung's arm.

"Yeah it's a strategy we have. We each have two people as our 911 contact. In case we're in trouble which is almost always when we're too drunk to drive. There's an app. It sends your location and 911 to the two picked contacts. We're Namjoon Hyung's. Mine are Hobi and Jungkook."

"Mine is Yoongi hyung and Hyung" Tae pointed up towards the room. "He was at a bar. Knocked out. The bartender was nice, she somehow dragged him back to her changing room, God bless her"

"None of his stuff is missing, we checked." Jimin hesitated, sharing another glance with Taehyung. "Hyung, talk to him when he wakes ok? He never does this" Jin nodded. Then he offered the boys to stay over since it was so late but they insisted they'd be fine and bid him goodbye.

Jin went to the bedroom to find Namjoon exactly how they'd left him. His work clothes looked uncomfortable even from afar. Jin sighed and set to work. Namjoon was so dead to the world, he didn't wake at all as Jin stripped him out of his clothes and into pajamas. Should he be worried? Jin wondered as he used a wet towel to wipe his face clean of the grime of the bar. Did people pass out this hard? Jin was always very good with alcohol, he never passed out. Jin knew he'd just keep freaking out if Namjoon didn't at least say a word to let him know he was not brain dead. He got a bottle of water from the kitchen and then began to shake Namjoon awake.

"Joonie. Hey Joonie come on get up. You have to drink some water. Get up. Please baby you're scaring me" It took a lot of shaking and pleading before he finally stirred. "Oh thank God. Baby you need to drink this." Jin forced some water down Namjoon's throat. He seemed to realize how much he needed it as he sat up a little and drank all of it. "More?" He shook his head. "OK, go back to sleep"

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