Chapter 4: Sweaters and Pajamas

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"Kitchen" Heavy footsteps made their way to him, clearly audible in the mostly empty house. Jin paid them no particular attention, chopping away. Namjoon walked into the kitchen, bringing his madenning scent with him. Honestly, Jin wondered if he would ever get over it. He walked right up to Jin. And then with no warning, wrapped his arms around him, head falling to the back of Jin's. Jin who was assuming Namjoon was just reaching for water, froze.
"Is this ok?" Namjoon asked.
"Of course" It is more than ok, Jin wanted to say. Can you come home like this every day? They hardly were touchy feely with each other, except when they slept. That was another case altogether. Jin had his nightmares every now and then. But now he woke up snuggled into some part of Namjoon and it was easy to fall back asleep. He hardly got more than one a night now. Namjoon didn't comment on them. If he woke up with Jin, he would just pull him a little closer and rub his hair or his back. He didn't intrude and Jin was eternally grateful. This was new however, and it was nice. Jin decided he was not opposed to being touchy feely with Namjoon anywhere.
"Tough day?" He asked, bringing up a slice of carrot for Namjoon to eat.
"It was a fucking disaster. Ran around all day. Couldn't even eat lunch" Jin reached for a kitchen towel and swatted Namjoon with it.
"I put time and heart into that stir-fry Kim Namjoon"
"I know, it was delicious. Jungkook sends his compliments" Jin huffed, going back to his carrot chopping.
"I made it for you, but thank Jungkook I guess" Namjoon sighed, untangling his arms from around Jin. Instead he cleared space and sat on the counter next to the chopping board.
"I have some slightly bad news" Jin looked up to him, eyebrows raised. "I have to go to Japan. For a week" Jin gulped. His stomach had dropped suddenly.
"Tommorow!" Namjoon looked so tired now that Jin looked at him. He also looked like someone had just reprimanded him for getting a bad grade in math.
"I'm sorry, I know it's so last minute. It's just a mess. They've ordered some machinery for the plant I have to go inspect. Every day I don't go is docking fees incurred in Japan" It sounded like it was unavoidable. It had to have been, otherwise Namjoon would surely not be going. He was very aware that Jin didn't like being home without him.
"I see. Just a week though?" Namjoon nodded. "It's fine. A week is fine" It sounded like he was trying to convince himself mostly.
"You can go home for the week, if you want?" Jin cocked his head to the side a little.
"I am home" Namjoon smiled tiredly. He looked... touched.
"I meant back to your parent's. Don't stay here all by yourself"
"I'll be fine here. I don't want to go back there, I had to get married to escape" Namjoon laughed a little, picking up another carrot to eat. He must be hungry, having eaten no lunch.
"Are you sure?"
"You'll call right?"
"Then I'll be fine. Now stop worrying and go shower. I'll get this ready" Namjoon slid off the counter. It looked like he was going to walk off. Which he did, but not before leaning in and kissing Jin gently on his temple.


If Jin thought the house was big before, it felt gigantic to him now. It was 10 PM. Jin was sitting in the living room, nursing a glass of wine. Monie was playing around with a fluff ball and the TV was running. Jin had come home around 8, much later than he normally did. He'd extended his office hours and then lounged around the faculty room. He made 3 new friends just by idling around. But then it had been just him and he had finally dragged himself home. Jin hadn't had a house to himself in a long time. His parents seldom left him alone. Something about having seen him on a verge of a nervous breakdown had made them overprotective. The apartment before that, Jin often occupied alone. It was funny how he'd gone from loving that place to despising it. Much like he'd gone from loving Mark to fearing and then hating him.

It was around midnight and Jin had gotten into bed when his phone rang. It was a video call. Jin sat up and swiped to accept it. Namjoon's face came into view. More than his face, it was his head because he was bent over trying to open a sauce packet.
"Hey" Namjoon looked up, smiling wide.
"Hi. I didn't wake you did I?"
"Nope. Couldn't really sleep. What are you eating?" Namjoon excitedly showed him all that he had laid out before him, chattering happily. Jin felt a great weight leave from his shoulders. That smile and rambling voice of his did wonders for his heart. Jin suddenly ached to be there with him. The rambling went over to what Namjoon had done all day.
"They're overworking you" Jin complained. Namjoon looked worryingly tired, even if he acting all bubbly. His dark circles had deepened and he was groaning when he moved.
"Over working is my secret weapon. It's why I'm Head of Division" Namjoon shrugged. Then he got up, showing Jin his room. It was clearly one of their most expensive suites being spacious and luxurious.
"This looks fancy" Namjoon chuckled, flopping onto the bed.
"I like the one you're on better"
"Oh yeah you hate hotels, your mom told me" Namjoon had gotten comfortable, pulling the blanket up. He should probably let him go, get some sleep. But when the call ended, he'd be all alone again and sleep was miles away still.
"You really can't sleep?" Jin shook his head. It was unreal how much Jin was missing him.
"Feels weird, being in bed alone"
"How about you imagine me being there?" Jin laughed.
"How?" Namjoon was blushing.
"I don't know, sleep on my side? Since you seem to love how I smell so much" Now it was Jin's turn to heat up, as he pouted.
"Hey, first you leave me alone, then you tease me" Namjoon smiled at him. He was barely awake, but Jin knew he would stay up all night with him if he asked. "Go to sleep Joonie, I'll be fine" He whispered. The pet name slipped out of him without thought, but Namjoon seemed to not notice.
"Call me if you get a nightmare hmm?" Oh boy was this going to be a long week.
"I will"

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