Chapter 11: I got you

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Ok be warned you guys,the story is in the angst phase now so be careful. A little bit of violence makes it's way in the chapter. It's brief and over quickly, but be careful.


The keypad beeped. Jin opened his eyes, dread filling him. How was he supposed to spend an entire night with Namjoon, knowing what he had to do tomorrow? He heard footsteps climb the stairs. Namjoon stepped into the room, flipping the lights on.


"Hey" He tried to sit up, but his body felt heavy. It didn't surprise him how physically his body was reacting to the impending action of betrayal. Namjoon set his bag down and sat at the edge of their bed.

"What's wrong?" Jin smiled up at him, using him to brace himself and finally sit up.

"Nothing. I don't jump on you as soon as you come home one day, and you think something's wrong with me?" Namjoon smiled back but didn't look convinced. He held his hand to Jin's forehead. He frowned.

"You have a fever. How long have you been laying down?"

"Since I got home" Namjoon tsked.

"I'll get you some meds. You must've caught a bug" A leech more like. Jin pouted despite himself.

"No, stay. You just got here" Namjoon leaned down to kiss him on his head.

"I'll be back in 2 seconds" He must have run, because he really was back in no time. He lined out a combination of pills in Jin's palm and gave him some water. Jin really did feel like shit, so he gulped the medication with no resistance. "Why didn't you call me? When you started feeling ill?" Namjoon pushed his sweaty hair back from his forehead. Jin chuckled bitterly. He was imagining how that call would have gone. Hey Joonie so my body is having an allergic reaction to the thought of cheating on you.

"I thought I'd sleep it off, but couldn't"

"Still, you should've called"

"OK OK, don't be angry" The medicine was making him drowsy, which is why he sounded exactly as whiny as he felt. Namjoon's face softened, even if he still had worry in his eyes.

"I'm not angry, here" He scooted over and let Jin collapse into his lap. He ran his hand in Jin's hair, scratching at his scalp. He still felt like his body was dying, but at least Jin felt like he could sleep. So, he closed his eyes and focused on breathing evenly as he fell into a drugged, dreamless sleep.

When he was shaken awake, Jin had no clue how much time had passed by. Namjoon was crouching by the bed, hand on his shoulder. He had showered and changed, his face glowing and hair uncombed still. He smiled at Jin.

"Do you feel better?" Jin shook his head. Namjoon pouted, an exaggerated pout that was so adorable it made Jin laugh despite his still present headache. "Let's go downstairs. Can you walk?"

"Can I ask to be carried?" Namjoon narrowed his eyes, having the same mischievous look on his face he had at their wedding. Why was Jin suddenly thinking of the wedding? Namjoon calmly hooked one hand under his knees and the other under his neck and pulled him up. Jin shrieked, then began to laugh.

"Don't get used to this" Namjoon huffed, which was hard to take seriously since he was descending the stairs pretty easily. "You're heavy" He set Jin on the couch, a blanket already there for him. Jin snuggled into it as Namjoon went into the kitchen. This was the man Jin had to betray? His trust he had to break? How was this fair? To any of them? For the millionth time Jin cursed his 19-year-old self for dating Mark. What a colossal disaster this was. Namjoon walked back out with a tray he set on the coffee table. He sat down on the carpet. The tray had a big dish of soup in it.

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