Ch.11 Am I Sure

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Sunday 10:37 a.m at Aaliyah house
Yall the pic in MM that is what the twins look like ok

Aaliyah P.o.v
i woke up and had a text from August.

August: be there at 11

Aaliyah: ight

I got out the bed and did my hygiene. I put my hair in a ponytail and put on some Nike sweats and a Nike shirt. I went downstairs and cleaned up a bit. Then sat on the couch and i gotta text from Khalil.

Khalil: Hey beautiful

Aaliyah: Hey handsome

Khalil: Im leaving today i gotta go outta town for a week to visit family

Aaliyah: ok but ima miss you

Khalil: ima miss you to stinka but i will text you when i plane land

Aaliyah: kay

i heard a knock on the door.

August P.o.v

i walked to the door and knocked. The kids had their bags standing by me i smiled at them. I miss Aaliyah her smile her laugh he dimples. I know i had fucked up i just wanna make things right again.

i need my baby right next to me. She was a ROD chick. The door open i saw Aaliyah standing there. She moved aside for me to come in the kids ran to their room

Aaliyah P.o.v

He sat on the couch. I sat in the love chair.

"Aaliyah i just wanna let you know i am actually sorry for what i did it was stupid

" yea" i say.

"Kayla meant nothing to me i only did it because we wasnt having sex and you kept giving me the blue balls"

"how was i givin you the blue ball first off i said no because if the kids and second i was going to have sex with you that day but you little side hoe texted you" i say.

"....." August couldnt say shit.


"but Aaliyah that was 2 years ago thats in the pass on that day i cut her off"

"what ever"

"please just forgive me give me another chance"

i sighed" I forgive you (* August start smiling*) but that dont mean we go together( * his smile fade away*)"

"why not"

"because you cheated August ok you cheated you lucky i forgave you lets just put it in the pass lets just act like we never knew each other" i say rubbing my temples.

"i cant cause it did"


"You know what fuck you Aaliyah i try to make things right but you just dont give a fuck"

"august fuck you too"

"i dont want that man to be around my kids either" he say.

"what them my kids too at least he is here mostly all the stuff they got come from him" i say getting out the love chair. August stand up.

"i am here you know what Aaliyah be ready for court im taking custody of the kids you are an unfit mother" he said walking to the door and walking out


he turned around and mouthed 'watch me' and got in his car and pulled off. I fucking hate him. I slammed the door.

Later on the day 9:30 at night

" so he said he taking my kids he cant do that" i explained to Khalil on the phone

"trust me its going to be ok" Khalil say calming me.

"he is just....ugh i cant stand him..i dont even know what i saw in him"

he chuckled" well you know its like 4 in the morning"

"its 9:30 over here" i say.

"yea time is different"

"aw go to sleep i gotta tuck the kids in" i say.

"ok good night beautiful"

"good night handsome"

i hung up and i tucked India and Aiden in there beds. I kissed them good night. I went in my room and went to sleep.

The next morning 8:30 am Monday

my alarm woke me up its the kids first day of school. I did my hygiene and got dress. I woke them both up and got them dress

India Outfit: Black Joggers and a purple shirt that say love her air force ones and hair did in a ponytail. had her gucci book bag and her iPod plus headphone.

Aiden outfit: Blue Joggers with a blue shirt. His Jordan's his curly short hair. he had his gucci bag and his iPod and headphone.

Aaliyah outfit: Some Joggers that had weed emojis and pill emoijs. My curly hair was laid down my back i had my iPhone and headphones i had my Versace handbag with my money.

we all headed to the car they got in and put their seatbelt on.I pulled put to McDonald's and ordered them a happy meal and me a big mac.

i pulled up to their school 5 minutes later. I walked them in. And saw their teacher Ms.Johann.

"hi ms.Brooks" She say.

"Hi ms. Johann"

The twins sat at there desk and ate their happy meal.

i left put and got in my car and drove home with a lot of things on my mind. I pulled up yo my house and i saw a black car and man came out and knocked on my door. I got out the car and walked to him. He turned and looked at me.

"Are you Ms.Brooks?" He asked.


"you been served" he say handing me a piece of paper before he walked off.

i opened it and read it. August is sending me to court for custody. my blood begun to boil.

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