G is for Gag - 𝕂ℕ𝕁

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Namjoon is just toooooooooo sexy for this world

You watched Namjoon's fist clench on his thigh and bit down on your lip, daring yourself to push harder.

You turned back to your best friend, Yeji, and her partner as you sipped some more of the wine you knew you'd had a little too much of.

"Can you remember Lee Taemin?" you asked with a smirk. Her whole face lit up in surprise as she laughed.

"No! You didn't?" she gasped, wine glass stopping half way to her mouth. You laughed and nodded your head. You'd been reminiscing, spilling secrets about your time together in school and the boys that occupied it. A quick text to Yeji before, asking her to go along with anything you said that night because you wanted to make Namjoon jealous, ensured your plan was working perfectly. Like the perfect best friend, she hadn't even asked questions.

"In the gym closest, after basket ball practice," you boasted. Her partner, Jihoon, laughed to himself and shook his head.

"You two were quite adventurous, huh?" he asked. You bit down on your bottom lip.

"Oh, darling, you don't know the half of it." You flashed him a wink and glanced to your right, Namjoon basically fuming at the ears. You felt his hand land on your thigh as he gave you a tight squeeze in warning. You knew you were pushing his buttons and you relished in it.

"Can you believe this, Namjoon?" Namjoon brought his attention to the other man, like he was snapped out of his head.

"Oh I've always fucking known she was a slut," he commented and you clenched your legs together in silent bid to keep your arousal at bay.

"You can't talk, you have quite the history," you smirked. Namjoon gave a laugh, but you knew he was still pissed as fuck.

"I don't fucking think this is something we should be fucking talking about, hm?" Namjoon prompted, looking at you. His way of telling you to shut up or he'd shut you up himself. You smiled at him and looked back to the couple opposite. Jihoon was laughing at all your stories, clearly not at all the jealous type.

"Oh, come on, we're all friends here," you shrugged, "no one's judging." You drank some more wine.

"Yook Sungjae...did you?" Yeji asked, a devilish look in her eye. At first the stories had been real, or at least, exaggerated, but by now you were making up names, and it didn't make it any less fun.

"Only a handy in French," you told her.

"Holy shit, he was hot," Yeji gushed. You smirked, she was much better at this than you thought she'd be. It was perfect.

"Mind, you've always managed to get the hot ones." You wanted to kiss her, she was so much more than you could've asked for.

Making Namjoon jealous wasn't easy, because he was a cocky guy. He knew he was good looking, he knew he had something to boast about when it came to the way he was in the bedroom. But you knew, although it would take some coaxing, when Namjoon was jealous, it brought out a side of him you just loved.

BTS Smut Book IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora