It didn't matter, it would never matter, how much she knew the blue of his eyes, the gleam he'd have in them every time he looked at her would always make her heart melt. Chris always looked at her with adoring eyes.

"Chris! She exclaimed. "You leave me without words..."

"You are... and I made a vow to tell you this every day..." He approached his face to hers and looked in her eyes. "You are perfect Ellie Cornell and I love you."

"I love you too Christopher." She responded and then kissed his lips. "You are perfection itself too." She whispered against his lips.

"I give her all my love..." Chris started singing and Ellie giggled and covered her face with her hands. "...that's all I do..." He continued as he grabbed her hands so he could look at her. Their fingers intertwined and Ellie looked deeply into his eyes as he sang for her. "...and if you saw my love... you'd love her too...
I love her... "

"Oh babe..." Ellie whispered with tears in her eyes as she listened to him sing.

"She gives me everything ... and tenderly... the kiss my lover brings... she brings to me
And I love her..." He paused to kiss her lips and then pulled away. "A love like ours... could never die... as long as I have you near me..." He kissed her again and Ellie let go of his hands to cup his face within her hands and pecked him twice in a row.

"That was beautiful." She said as she pulled away.

"Am I interrupting?" Millie knocked softly and they both looked at the door.

"Mom!" Ellie exclaimed. "What are you doing here?" She shot her mom a smile while Millie approached them.

"Someone had to drive you back home." She smiled, kissing her daughter on the forehead.

"Good morning, sweetheart." She then turned to Chris, kissing him on the forehead too. Millie looked back at her daughter. "I left your sister and your father looking after our Christmas's lunch... Robert must hurry." She laughed, making Chris and Ellie laugh too.

"Is he taking long?" Ellie asked. "I feel great, honestly. I can't wait to go home."

Millie's smile disappeared gradually from her face and she pulled the chair that was by the bed to sit in front of them and that's when Ellie and Chris stopped smiling too. Clearly, she was there to tell them something and by the looks on her face it was not something good.

"I need to talk to you." Millie said, looking at Ellie and then at Chris.

"There's something wrong, isn't it?" Ellie said promptly. "I saw it on your face yesterday..."

"Millie?" Chris said feeling his heart starting to race. "What is it? What do you have to tell us? Is Ellie ok? Is it the baby? What is it?" He made all questions in a row and Millie grabbed his hand.

"Calm down." She asked them both, looking at each at the time. "Let me explain before you two panic."

"You're going to give more bad news." Chris whispered.

"Calm down." Millie asked him again as she squeezed his hand giving him some reassurance. Their eyes locked in brief instants. "Let me explain." She told him and Chris nodded but his eyes were inundated with tears.

"Ok..." Ellie whispered as she nodded. "Explain."

Then, she inhaled deeply barely expelling the air out, waiting for her mother to speak. She also felt Chris's hand clutch onto hers and Ellie held it back tightly, preparing her spirit to whatever was about to come.

"Yesterday..." Millie started as quietly as possible as their eyes were set on her and not even blinking. For a moment, she thought they were not even breathing. They were static. "... when I came in here to repeat the ECG..." Ellie spoke there, interrupting her.

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