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What can I say?
I am lucky to have Jennie. I have seen how she has matured in our relationship and in life. She also taught me how to become more responsible.
And one thing I have realized is that I can love her even more.

Our graduation is near and both of us are studying so hard. Our goal as a couple at the moment is to finish our studies with flying colors and make our parents proud. We study together. We help each other on our projects. We want to make a good impression at the Universities we applied for.
Especially me, I am applying for a scholarship since I know for a fact that my parents can't afford to send me to Law School.
I don't want to always rely on my brother. Though he is very much willing to help me. But he has his own life too and he must enjoy his hard earned money. I am not his responsibility. He is too sending money for my parents, especially to my Dad who has medicine maintenance now because of his chest pains.

Our graduation came and we both finished with flying colors. I made it to top three in the whole university and Jennie on the 5th. God. I am so proud of her. Pre-med courses are not easy and I have witnessed her sleepless nights and load of studying. We never failed to support each other every step of the way.
We made our parents so proud of us.

And now, we will be entering a new chapter in our lives.
Months ago, Jennie and I applied in a prestigious Med and Law school in the US and took the exam online. I just tried. Because why not? We will still be in the same school. But what hinders me is the financial capability of my family to send me there. Yes, we both passed with high scores at the University. I applied for scholarship. Jennie did not as Medicine on that school doesn't offer one. So she's going to be a regular student.
We received our letter of acceptance the same day.
I decided to go to her house and discuss about it.
She's so excited that we will live together in the US.

She's hugging me tight and kissing me non stop.  Oh Jennie! I am so happy that I have you in my life. So sweet and affectionate girl!

We settled at the living are and started to discuss.

"So, when do we plan to leave, Babe? I am thinking if we can do it month before classes starts."
She asked me.

I became quiet for a while. A lot of things are running in my mind. Where will I get money for our apartment? Our daily expenses, the bills and our food. 
Should I just stay and study here in Seoul? But I want to be with her.

"Jen? What if— what if I stay here?"
I asked and Jennie's face suddenly lost all the sweetness.

"Baby, no. I thought we already talked about this? Lisa, I can't live without you."
She said and held my hand.

"Babe, I don't think I can sustain us there. I don't have the means. You know my family is not as fortunate as yours."
I said and I am holding back my tears.

"Lisa, how about us? I can't be away from you. But—. Okay. I'll just study here then."
She said and looked at me in the eyes. She's serious.

I caressed her face and held her chin up and kissed her gently.

"Hey. Follow your dreams. You have been studying so hard to pass the entrance exam at the University. I don't want to be a hindrance in your dreams. I want you to reach them."
I said. She hugged me tight and I heard her sobbing.

LAW OF ATTRACTION (Author's Reco)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin