The Reunion! [Part 1.]

Start from the beginning

“Alright. That’s good. That’s very good. Thank you Prince!” Joe smiled.

“You’re welcome Joe.” Princeton smiled as he walked back to his seat.

“Now. If you followed the show, the name ‘Roc’ sparked up a lot of fuels, which we will get to later.” Joe smirked. “This next contestant went home early, but some of her seductive moves got her a little far. Everyone, welcome Lolo to the stage!”

Lolo made her way to the stage as Abby and Kiloni stood up, and yelled the word ‘boo!’ as they held their thumbs down. Lolo rolled her eyes at them as she sat on stage, and smiled at Joe.

“Lolo.” Joe said giving her a funny grin. “What were you thinking trying to get with Roc?”

“I don’t know, but I don’t like him anymore.” Lolo said. “I was just using him to get far in the competition and-“

“And you failed. You failed!” Kiloni yelled as she stood up and gave her an evil look.

“Can you shut up and sit down please?” Lolo said putting her hand in the air. “There’s a reason why I’m on stage, and you’re in the audience.”

“Be careful Joe. She might try to sleep with you to get some money!” Kiloni continued as she sat back down in her seat.

“Anyway, I did like Roc for 2 seconds, but I don’t like him anymore.” Lolo said looking at Joe.

“Another lie. She tried to get my number backstage.” Roc said as him, Ray Ray, and Myles laughed.

“You don’t even know what you’re talking about, Roc.”

“Lolo are we really gonna go there? Really?” Roc said getting louder as he gave her a smart glare. “You were just backstage talking about how you still wanted to get with me EVEN THOUGH me and Kiloni are still together. Stop it. Just stop.”

“Whatever.” Lolo said flipping her hair.

“Did you actually like Roc?” Joe asked.

“I did for like 2 seconds-“

“No you did up until Kiloni sent your ass home!” Abby shouted. “You’re a failed homewrecker and you’re really a failure for thinking that Roc would leave Kiloni for somebody like you.”

“Abby shut up. You’re built like a man.” Lolo said as the crowd gasped from her comment.

“Woah.” Joe laughed. “Well thank you for your time, Lolo.”


“Now this girl was a great competitor, all up until the day that a game of truth or dare, decided her fate.” Joe smirked. “Everyone, welcome Bahja!”

“Oh my gosh.” Bahja said shaking her head as she walked up on stage, and took the hot seat. “That was so embarrassing.”

“So how much alcohol did you drink?” Joe asked.

“Well I was dared to keep drinking large gulps of alcohol for 10 seconds, and afterwards, I blacked out. All I remember is waking up inside of a hospital, and seeing my mom in my face cursing me out.” She said as the crowd laughed. “I was wondering if I would return to the house, and I ruined my own chance. I would take it all back if I could.”

“And just a lesson, underage drinking should never be prohibited.” Joe said in a serious tone.


“Thank you Bahja.” He said as he watched her walk back to her seat. “Now this next person, was the one person who turned the house into many many directions. He had all sworn enemies, and managed to make it through a majority of the eliminations. Everyone, welcome Justin C!”

“Boo!” Everyone that lived in the house shouted as he walked up on stage. But this only made Justin C happier. He loved being hated. He loved being the odd one out. He loved being the one that everyone despised.”

“Boo these nuts!” Justin C said sticking his middle finger up at the crowd, then sitting down in his seat. “You’re all my bonuses.”

“Wow. I see that you’re still the same Justin C.” Joe laughed.

“And I’m gonna die this way.” Justin C said giving off an arrogant glare. “How are you, Joe?”

“I’m great. Now I wanted to ask you a serious question.” Joe said. “Who do you think ran the house? You or Roc?”

“I did. I was way more muliputive than Roc and at the end of the day, I made him turn on all of his friends.” Justin C smirked. “He was my little bitch.”

“Excuse me?” Roc snapped as he walked into the front row, and sat closer to Justin C.

“I said: “you. were. my. little. bitch.” Justin repeated as he smiled at Roc. “What the hell are you gonna do about it?”

“Uh oh.” The contestants said as they stared at the two.

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