first date

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You woke up to the bright rays of sun enter your hotel room through the big glass window. Groaning and turning around, you hear a voice speak.

"Fucking finally, I'm closing this" You hear Dabi speak, since you rolled off of him. He walked towards to shades and closed them, giving the room darkness. "I don't wanna get up~" You protested, looking for his body in the bed.

"Do we even have a schedule, I don't remember what bunny bitch said last night"

"We have to meet up at like.. 9? In the breakfast area"

"It's 8:30, I'm going to get dressed"

You make a sound that lets him know that you were pouting. Rumi had previously said that since not the majority were attending the trip, everyone could have their own personal room. And so they rented out a whole floor of the hotel just for your class. Dabi was just across the hall from your room, but you insisted that he sleep with you that night.

"We can meet downstairs, okay princess?"



"Fine" You groaned and he flicked the light switch, seeing how messy you two made the room last night. You saw an also exhausted Dabi, who was only wearing his socks and boxers. Clad in his shirt and your panties, you walked over to him so you could hang your arms around his neck. His hands crept down your ass and pulled you in.

"Thanks for coming"

He turned the other way so you couldn't see his grin, it failed. You places small kisses on his jaw and up to his face. "Anything for my princess" He tells you and you stare a him, big eyed and red cheeks. That's right, you were his princess now. He only has you in his life.

You felt both the same and not the same, if that makes sense. It's like the relationship was taken to a whole other level, but it doesn't look like it. You noticed how Dabi was more passionate towards you, he even started working on his aftercare, which you noticed after last night's round.

You sent him off to his room, leaving you practically naked in your room. I need an outfit. You began to take out all the clothes you had stored in your suitcase. You picked out a white laced top with shorts, along with one of your new bikinis. Before heading out, you bathed in Dabi's gift and slipped on some designer slides.

And just like you were supposed to, you head off to the food area. You scan the room but no sign of Dabi. This jackass. You pull out your phone and punch in his number. "I swear you have horrible punctuality!" You tell him without giving him a chance to respond. "Can't a guy get dressed in peace?" He said calmly through the phone and you looked baffled. "Are you serious? I wear more shit than you and-" You quickly stopped talking as you spotted him inter the lobby with a long sleeved sun shirt, swimming shorts, and sandals.

"long sleeve? really?"


"i thought we talked about this"

"Well I'm pretending we didn't"

Rolling your eyes and laughing childishly, you guided him into the buffet to eat. You threw in various foods into your plate, making it colorful and appetizing. On the other hand, Dabi simply slapped butter on a piece of bread and sat down with you. "Seriously? We have a big day ahead of us, and you're out here having bread?" You glared at him and he shrugged. "I'm just not hungry all the damn time" he explains and pulls out his phone.

"You should eat more"

"And you should suck my dick more but you don't see me nagging about it"

You almost choked on your mimosa as he said those words. "Finish that, everyone's already waiting for us" you finish your meal and pull him outside.

Boy Next Door - Dabi x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang