new guy

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"They're here! (y/n) hurry up"

"Be right there!"

You rushed to stuff all your beach equipment into your little bag, practically sweating in stress. You hated making people wait, especially when you had the reputation of always being "fashionably late" as they say. But you couldn't help it, it was part of you.

The way you bolted down the stairs made your dad startled and look at you in concern, just in case you fell or tripped. You panted, jogging over to the kitchen where he sat. Your hands went for the apple displayed on the countertop and a water bottle.

"You'll starve, let me give you money for the trip"

"Dad, I promise it's okay I got it covered"


You looked at him as he handed you over a lump of cash. You always hated how your dad babied you. You knew it was because he genuinely cared for you, and always wanted you to be comfortable with your way of living, but you didn't wanna latch on to him. Regardless, you accepted his offering, because you knew all too well he wasn't going to let you go without it.

After saying your last goodbyes and whatnot, you opened the front door only to be greeted with the hot sun slapping you in the face. In front of you in the jeep filled with familiar faces. Your close friends.

"(y/n) get it, we're a bit late y'know! the suns not here forever!"

You laugh at your friend, who goes by Yu Takeyama. Walking out, however, something catches your eye. The sight of a shirtless boy carrying a load of boxes in and out of the house next to you. You tried your best not to gawk at the sight because his upper body was practically littered with scars. His black hair sharply contrasting to the sunny environment as well, it's like he's begging for people to look at him.

And that's when he looks at you.

Your breathing even hitched a bit when his face turned to you, his cyan colored eyes clear from a mile away. He even had scars under his eyes, and it sparked more mystery in him. It felt like time has frozen when it really didn't. Your eyes widened once he winked at you and continued to pick up boxes, his eyes weren't on you anymore.

"Hello? Hurry!"

Another voice, Rumi Usigiyama, called out for you again. This time, you actually get on the ride as shotgun. You turn at the sudden touch in your waist as you're greeted to your boyfriend's lips, quickly turning into a makeout.

"Get a room you two!" A male voice said and you pulled your lips away. "Quiet, Taishiro~" You poked your tongue out and looked away from him. Your boyfriend holds your hand firmly before getting out of the driveway and heading out.

"Did you bring everything?"

"Yes, Hawks, I promise I didn't leave anything this time" 

Boy Next Door - Dabi x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz