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"Thank you for inviting us!" Your dad thanked the lady with white hair, Dabi behind her giving you an almost evil look. You put on a fake smile for him before leaving and you walked back to your own home.

"Did you like our neighbors?" You interrogate your father as the both of you enter. "She seems like a very nice lady, her son looks quite intimidating though" He answered and it made you laugh. So it was his mother.

"Mhm.. He does look a bit scary"

"(y/n) I think it's best if you don't spend time with him" You looked up and nodded. You couldn't help but admit he was right. You barely knew the guy and he looked like he hand plenty of secrets up his sleeve, starting with his appearance. After the small chat, you headed to your room, where now you took major precautions the change in places where nobody could see. Once finishing your night routine, you rest on you bed, your mouth smelling a bit like the champagne you sipped on earlier.

The sound of loud rock hits your hears, and you get up startled. You assumed it was that black van that had popped up that one night. "Dabi, we're late you fucker where have you been? I'm so glad you came!" Is one of the many phrases you could make out and you hear the door close. "Whatever, just step on it or we ain't gonna make it" He said faintly and you guessed he hopped on the van and left.

Where was he going? I don't care! He's a jerk...

The next couple of days go by and you see no sign of Dabi. You were both scared and relieved of this. You committed to staying by Hawks's side, and he did his best to get him off your mind.

It was lunch time, and you sat next to Hawks and around your friend group. "You guys will never believe what happened to me this morning!" You hear Mirko run in and setting her drink down. Everyone leaned in to listen to her speak.

"So I was on my way to Calculus and when I was passing by the vending machines, I saw that new guy beating up the janitor" The crowd gasps as a reaction, you most of all knew what he was capable of. "The janitor?! Did you hear what they were arguing about?" you protested and Rumi shook her head, "I rushed out of there, scared he would see me, but I reported him to the principal, he should getting detention or even a suspension". "I'm going to step on that asshole once school ends and I can use my quirk!" Yu threatens and receives laughs from the group. "You said it, I'll throw in a few punches too" Taishiro chipped and Hawks chuckled. "Unless you don't want your spotless resumes dirty, I suggest picking a fight with him somewhere else, right? (y/n)" You sided with your boyfriend.

"Speaking of quirks, (y/n) you don't have a quirk right?"

You open your mouth to speak but Keigo answers for you, feeling a little more at ease. "(y/n) does have a quirk, she just doesn't use it, right baby?" You give him a reassuring and go on to speak, "Yeah, my abilities aren't that useful, and since I don't use it I have little to no control of it" You clarify and your friends all hum in acknowledgement.

The conversation trails off to another topic, but your mind was fixated on Rumi's story. A fight with the janitor? Who would pick a fight with an innocent man. And Hawks probably won't let me return home on my own now, I also haven't told him about the house warming party.

The lunch period comes to an end and the groups heads to their separate classes. You remained on high alert just incase you met up with Dabi, but he wasn't in the perimeter. His motorcycle wasn't parked either, so it was a given that he wasn't on campus.

You relaxed on the ride home, holding Hawks's hand, and drinking from a smoothie he bought you beforehand. "Can you say home for a bit?" You pleaded with you soft voice. "I really wish I could baby, but I have a meeting with my counselor" You frown slightly at his response, but you understood.

You also had your plate filled with college stuff, but you weren't all that excited. The wave of panic hadn't reached you yet, so you hadn't given it much thought. Hawks, in the other hand was very enthusiastic. You guys had always dreamed about going to the same university or going to very close ones. It was established that you would give long-distance a shot, however deep down you weren't sure of it.

"Call me when you're free?" You ask the blonde hair boy and he smiles back. After giving him a goodbye kiss, you reached for your bag and got off from the car. He drove off instantly and you yawned. You looked over at the house next you're almost out of instinct and you notice someone working on a car.

"You like the view?"

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