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You ignored him, huffing your way into the house. "What's wrong, ignoring me again? Is that any way to be with your neighbor?" You hear him snap and walked back to your original spot and stare at him. "I heard you were picking a fight with the janitor, you jerk" He got up from his crouched down position, he had stains on his shirt and shorts, embracing his also burnt legs. "Oh, that, you should be thanking me" He smirked passing a wipe through the back of the car.

"What's that suppose to mean?" You requested and he marched closer to you. "The guy was stalking you, he had creepy photos and videos on his closet" You lost your voice all of a sudden. You could feel your legs shake slightly and the revelation. "You don't have to lie about having a hot temper.." You mumble but he could hear just as clear. The truth was that you were extremely surprise at the fact that he beating the janitor up for you. He could've just reported him but got physical just for you.

"How about you stop being a petty bitch, princess? Such a pretty face and a fake attitude, is that all you got to offer?"

Your shoulders drop but they remain tense. The tears wanted to escape from your eyes, but what could you do? You hadn't been exactly good to your neighbor, and he just protected you from a creep.

"I'm sorry... I-"

"Save your breathe, just drop that popular girl facade of yours and we're cool, till then, just fuck off"

Facade? How could he see right through me... It's almost as if he sees the part of me I try most to hide. You nod sharply and walked back into your car. It hurt, it really did, the way a neighbor who you barely knew scolded you for the one thing nobody has called you out for.

You curled up in your bed, replaying his words over and over. Who do I want to me? The girl my father wants to be? The girlfriend Keigo wants me to be? The grade A student my friends pressure me to be? I'm so exhausted.. Maybe Dabi was right. I should drop being someone I'm not.. but that's so hard.

"(y/n)..?" You hear your dad knock and you let him in. "Saw you run up here, you okay?" He asked leaning onto the wall. "Yeah.. I'm just tired, sorry to make you worry" You apologized, and his shook his head. "Is it college? Are you stressed out? You can talk to me" He asked and you rested on your bed. "Just.. everything, I'm just tired and a bit nervous, but really I'm okay" You assured him and he nods, reminding you once again that he's there for you, and leaves.

You wake up almost feeling sick from last night's events. Putting on your school's vest and stuff in your shoes to walk out the door. Hawks told you that he couldn't take you to school for some you reason you didn't have enough energy to read.

After parking the car, you get down and jolted to class, seeing as how you were running a little later than you anticipated. And just when you sit down on your chair, the speakers in the classroom make an announcement.

"(f/n) (l/n), head to the principal's office"

Your heart sinks and everyone in homeroom stares at you, including your boyfriend. "(y/n) what happened?" You mouth 'I don't know' as you get up and go to next destination. Terrified was an understatement, you were rethinking back to anything that could cause you to be here. Never had you ever been called to the principal's office and you didn't like it.

The door creaked open and the principal smiled at you to sit down. "Please, (l/n), take a seat" She signaled and you obeyed, you looked to your right and it was the high school janitor. 

Boy Next Door - Dabi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now