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song: marvins room by drake

You skipped school after the scandal, becoming terrified of coming back. Your record was spotless, not one unexcused tardy—but it was broken after Monday's events. You would circle around the neighbor, waiting for your dad to leave before going back to your house.

You simply just didn't care anymore.

There was no point in going to school if you were going to get called a slut. Your dad hasn't found out, because you were too embarrassed. Not only that, but Hawks and the others wouldn't get in trouble because they could just pay their way out. It's my senior year, it doesn't matter anymore, I just have to make it through until graduation.

Anyways, you walked back into your now empty home, throwing your bags to the side and heading for your room. You spotted Chisaki's now plain basket he sent you, and remembered the call you had with him. He said he could sell you some molly or other pills to get you loose, and established that you would pick it up at the Wave on Thursday.

With the remaining weed left from the kit you bought, you prepared a blunt and light up, this moment also reminding you of the extensive face time you had with Dabi. Dabi, how does he feel right now? He probably feels lied to, or maybe he doesn't care-- but he didn't say anything when he saw the pictures.

A cloud of smoke escaped your lips, your eyes quickly became tinted with red. You stripped down in your underwear for comfort, and went downstairs to light up a candle and play some music in the speakers. As you dance swiftly around your house and enjoy your high, you hear a pair of angry voices argue outside, so you spy from the corner of the kitchen window, and see Dabi with his father.

"You back from your vacation, son?"

"Just waiting for you to get the hell out  of our  house"

"You disappoint me, Touya"

He punches his Enji, his father, and suddenly his mother appears, trying to stop the fight. "Don't fucking call me that!" He growled, and is punched in the gut and shoved away. "My wimp of a son can't even fight me properly" He spits back coldly, but his flaming features were bursting brightly. The son wipes the blood off his nose and glares at him, cursing his name.

Eventually, the father departs from the house, you assumed he was finally leaving for good. Rei hugs him, giving him warmth but Dabi pushes her away slowly, rejecting her presence and walked into the house.

You wished he didn't go through that, all alone. You wanted to be the person he'd go to, but you couldn't even do that for him, only let him down every time. With a sigh, you head to your room, wobbling side to side as you almost lose sight of where you actually are. Your feet begin to feel numb, but you liked that feeling, the feeling of being nonexistent.

Walking in your room, you looked through your glass window, shamelessly watching your ex boyfriend peel off his shirt in a rather frustrated manner. That's when he also looks back at you through his own window. Both of you were now glaring at each other, half naked, the only difference was that he wasn't faded for once and you weren't thinking straight.

His chest tightened at the sight of you in bra and panties, staring at him with a blunt in her fingers. He noticed your face, emotionless and no sign of real life in there. You looked tired, hair in a mess like you just fell from a hill. And deep down, he missed seeing you this intimate.

Instead of hiding or running away, you actually came closer to the window, leaning your forehead against the glass. The boy only mirrored your actions, watching you carefully. You inhaled deeply, and blew a thick wave of smoke that clouded your figure for a short moment. Your thoughts were running wild, going at a thousand miles, and you just longed for him to come back, despite all the shit that has happened.

Your head now somewhere else, you couldn't help but go into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, allowing the buzz to run over you even more. His eyes never left yours, and it hurt him, seeing you like this. He, also, understood you, but couldn't help but be upset at the pictures. Dabi debated whether or not to defend you and those photos, but how can he when you fucked your ex boyfriend the same night you falsely accused him of cheating? He didn't like how quickly you moved on, even thought he shouldn't have cared at all.

But he did care for you.

And perhaps he still does.

Your left hand rises and sticks to the glass, rubbing your thumb, as if you were searching for any sign he was still there for you. He blinked slowly, and after a bit of hesitation, he rose his right hand, palm sticking to his window. Two lost bodies, who were finding it so very hard to come back together.

Frowning and furrowing your brows, you continued to stare at him. You would do anything to be with him, but there was too much damage. How could they ever make it right? She didn't know, and Dabi less.

And like in the museums, he touched you with his eyes, treating you like the piece of art you were. With every glance of your body, he got a flashback of all the moments you two were together. When he took you around in his car, buying food and smoking in the movie theatre parking lot. When he would sneaked into you house or when he practically lived with you. When he let you hang around in his room some afternoons. When you first confessed to him before the senior trip, and he wasn't ready to lose you yet. When he heard you moan out his real name whenever he gave you permission the do so.

It stung, so much.

You huffed against the glass, your breathe making an opaque and humid circle to write on.


You swallowed hard, hoping he would read it and maybe write something back. And as much as he wanted to, he just couldn't. He looked to the side, and looked back at you, staring deep into your eyes before sliding the curtains to cover him. You were left with nothing in the end, staring at the curtains from the house next to you.

With your forehead still pressed against the window, you looked down at your feet, the tears immediately rolling down. Your breathing lost its pattern, going into a full-on panic attack. You fell down, knees meeting with your chest as you sat against the wall.

Please, don't leave me here.

Breathing and panting heavily, your tried to calm yourself down, clutching your chest. Still weak in your knees, you got up and opened the window, throwing away the last of your weed. High and love sick, you  crawl in your bed, sinking into the sheets and falling into a deep slumber.

Then came Thursday. 

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