an end to this

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You stared at your reflection in the mirror, in your underwear. Your hands trailed on the slight burn marks around your waist areas and wondered how did I get these..

How did I end up here?

Three days have passed since facing Dabi and it left you with a fair amount of doubt. At first you denied that what he said was true, but then slowly everything starting to make sense. In the span of three days, you starting seeing glimpses of memories that you didn't recall, but you still didn't understand their meaning.

Clad in your uniform, you walked down the stairs and met up with your father. "Hey, dad, can I ask you a question?" You asked grabbing an apple for breakfast. "What is it hon?" He asked, closing a file. "Do you know our neighbor, Dabi?".

His face expression changed, "No- I don't want you around the boy, okay?". "What? Why?" You asked, following him outside the house. "You wouldn't understand, just stay away from him" He answers, his tone serious. Why doesn't he want him around me? Did he do something?

"He told me that I erased my memories, is that true dad?"

"He said what now? Listen (Y/n), that boy is the sole reason why you're like this"

"Like what dad? Just tell me"

"Just forget it, you're here now, healthy and well and I need you to stay like that, don't cause trouble because we're leaving this weekend"

Afraid of getting scolded anymore by him, you remained quiet and walked to your car. Before your departure, you glanced at Dabi's house and those the parking. I could've sworn there was a motorcycle there.

You arrived to school, walking in a slow pace just because you were so busy thinking about other things. Now is when you notice all the stares on you, almost like you were a celebrity, except you had no idea why they were looking at you so much. Is it because something happened to me? Does everyone know but me?

Dabi did mention that Keigo Takami had exposed you but didn't wanna say for what, maybe it was for the better that you didn't find out. Whenever you tried approaching somebody, they would make up an excuse to leave, it saddened and confused you.

As you entered to your first period, you see Dabi in the doorway, on his phone. It was as if he felt your presence, because he lifted his head to look at you. "Hi" You waved at him awkwardly but his expression didn't change. Instead, he clicked his tongue and walked away. You, the lost girl you were at the moment, ran after him, eventually clutching on his sleeve. He turned around, remaining silent.

"I think.. I can remember"

"(Y/n), I get it, you think I'm crazy, I'll leave you alone"


He sighed, losing patience with you and you could understand why. You wanted to believe him, get the answers you need before you left. "I... believe you, but I don't know how to get my memories back" You admitted, and held your now sweaty palms together.

"There's.. no point in trying anymore"

"Dabi, didn't we used to date? Don't you still like me?"

"It's more complicated than that"

"Than show me how complicated it is, please"

"There's no point in trying.. if you're gonna end up leaving"

You looked away, feeling sorry for him because it sounded like he was even sadder than before. He also looked insanely tired, like he hasn't slept in weeks, and you wondered if it was because of you. You watched as one of Dabi's hands reached for your hair, which had been in a ponytail. You felt him grab the band and pulling it away, letting your hair down.

"The old you liked it like that"

A shade of deep red dusted your cheeks and you felt the butterflies in your stomach. The old me...? He held one strand of your hair before letting go completely. "You should go, you're gonna be late for class" He said and stepped away.

"Don't you have class too"

"No, I'm dipping"


"It hurts too much to see you, I'd rather not put myself through that torment"

He put a hand on your shoulder before walking passed you, eventually leaving your sight. What was this feeling? You were flustered and completely lost. You wanted to be with him, like the urge was too much. It was obvious he cared for you, but how did he get there? You wouldn't remember.

Exhaling heavily, you tried to push away the situation and walked into your classroom. The rest of the day was filled with intrusive and crazy ideas you had of Dabi, and most importantly...of you. Of the type of person you were, if they were different from the girl you were now.

You were now throwing away the takeout food you ordered for you and your dad. He was cleaning the dishes, tired and silent as you were crafting a master plan in your head. "Something on your mind, (Y/n)?" He ask and you shake your head. You decided that a lot of chatter wouldn't be good with your dad, you had too many questions at the moment and it was obvious he didn't wanna help you.

After your father went upstairs to sleep, you bursted into your closet, picking up a laced crop top with some shorts, accompanied by gladiator sandals. You quickly fixed yourself up with a dash of makeup. Checking if Dabi was at his house, you see his car parked and silently marched downstairs.

You were quickly greeted by the cold breezed before walking over to his door. Three knocks..? I should do three knocks... shouldn't be annoying right? I feel like I've done this before.

Knock, knock, knock.

No answer. With a bitter defeat, you turned around, began to walk away and then heard the door open. "What are you doing here?" Dabi asked, in a muscle shirt and jeans that showed her thin but muscular figure, he looked like he was about to go out somewhere.

"Take me with you, wherever you're going"

"You're killing me here, princess"

"I sneaked out of the house, let's so somewhere"

"Save yourself the trouble and go back to your house, it hurts me already that you're dressed up all pretty"

"Listen to me Dabi, I want you to take me to all the spots we used to go to, and if by the end of the night I can't remember you, then we'll put an end to this"

Dabi was scared of that put an end to this. However, it was a good plan and he had to take advantage of the fact that you were now starting to believe him. He breathed out a chuckle, "Okay, hold on for a second I have something for you". You watched him enter and leave the house with a worn out but still in a decent condition denim jacket.

"I gave you this the first time I took you out"

You gave him a warm smile, and put on the piece of jacket. "It's kinda soft for a burned jacket" You commented and walked around, "I know, you said that one time". This guy really remembers everything about me...

"Alright, off we go"

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