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There were lots of things you never thought of doing, and hopping on a black van at 2 in the morning definitely weren't one them. Your thighs are pushed tightly against each other, your head tipped down with the stench of cigarettes and weed crawling up your nostrils.

"(y/n) we're here"

Okay, rewind. Let's go back to this afternoon. It was a Saturday like any other, except your family was going to have dinner at Keigo's place. Usually a tradition every couple of months, nothing out of the ordinary. A sparkly and expensive white top with ruffles hugs your upper body while formal black shorts adorns the bottom portion. Your toes are being relentlessly squished by the platinum high heels you decided to wear because it somehow made you look more elegant.

You like to tell yourself that you're not dressing for other people, but unforetunately you are. You don't see the point in dressing up so fancy if all you're going to do is look pretty and put on a fake smile for your boyfriend's parents. Nothing more but a facade.

That's right.. Dabi.

After the janitor's incident, there wasn't much contact between the two, unless you count the awkward and shortly lived looks they gave each other from time to time. But besides that, he managed to stay away from your mind.

Walking down the flight of stairs, you meet with your father, who's attire is also formal. "Do you have everything, (y/n)?" He asks and you nod, let's just get it over with. Walking out you find Dabi parking at his house, and he stared at you once he plugged the helmet off. Just my luck.

He had a black leather jacket, thin white shirt, ripped jeans and some black boots. It was odd the way you analyzed him so deeply every time you saw him, almost mesmerizing. He also took into account your outfit, which displayed a sophisticated form of your legs, all the way from the extravagant top to your signature ponytail and clipped hairline.

After practically checking each other out, he stared right into your eyes and tipped his head, like a silent hey. It took you by surprise, so you gave him a nervous smile back, since you didn't really know on what terms you were with him. Just get in the car already (y/n). Stepping into your dad's luxury sports car, which it's bright shade of yellow made the whole house stand out by itself, you two sped off to the Takami's.

The Takamis themselves were.. well, expensive, if you will. You knew your dad had a good salary and the both of you could splurge on anything if you wanted to, but these people were something else. They lived off a private section in the mountain that gave it all a mafia-type feeling, hopefully that's not the case. That's why you had to be so attentive about the way you showcased yourself to them, because they had the ability to eat you alive.

Your father drove into the gates and then entered into one of the many parking slots. After getting down, you're greeted by the bodyguards and let inside, protocol as usual. "Hello!" Keigo's mom grins and led you to the table, while simultaneously carrying a small and meaningless conversation. Your attitude suddenly gets a little lighter when seeing Hawks.

"Baby~You look great" He complimented you, gliding his hand into yours and giving you a peck. Your cheeks went pink. Finally, everyone sat down and began to eat. You found it funny how the voices echoed from how big the house was.

The afternoon slipped into the evening, a few wine bottles were emptied, and the food was served. Somehow you were able to keep a steady conversation with everyone, not that you couldn't, but you preferred not talking at all.

"(y/n) hun, Hawks told me you're applying to the top STEM university in the country?" Oh god. Keigo's dad was an exact copy of him, it almost scared you. You chuckled nervously at the comment and nodded. "Yup, trying to see if I can take the standardize tests again and see if I can get any better" You chime in and your blonde haired boyfriend rubs the back of your neck. "I don't know what she's talking about~She got the highest score in our class, after me of course!" Ouch, was that necessary Hawks? "(Y/n) should still try regardless, nothing wrong about beating records" Your dad adds in and receives an affirmative nod.

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