a jog

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You stared into the small ziploc bag labelled "pain killers" while parked in your car. School was awaiting for you and you couldn't keep pretending you weren't a high school student. Inhaling and exhaling slowly, you watched everyone walk in and back to the drugs your dealer sold you. I don't even know where to start.. You grab your phone and dialed Overhaul.


"It's me, (Y/n)"

"My favorate client, how can I be of service"

"Yeah, you sold me a bunch of shit and I don't even know where to start.."

"Relax.. you anxious?"


"You see some pink ones? Those are Xans, molly is labeled, some general painkillers, I don't how tough your body is but just take it easy, oh and I left you a little surprise, for being such a good customer"

"Yeah.. I saw" You mumbled, analyzing everything he was saying and landing your eyes on another small bag, sealing white powder. "Cocaine? That's a little too much for me" You clicked your tongue and heard him laugh. "It was a token of my gratitude, but it does make you feel pretty amazing" He emphasizes and you nod, stuffing it away in the pits of your purse.

"Thanks Chisaki, I'll let you know how it goes" You tell him before hanging up. Gulping your worries away, you swallow a xanax and drink water. You dreaded going to school, not after the whole mess, and you were starting to be comfortable with Dabi again. Now you had to face the challenge of going alone, because you were too afraid of texting him. You just assumed he had better things to do. Nevertheless, his car wasn't anywhere to be seen.

You get out of the car, sweat gathering at the top of your forehead as you made your way through the hallways. Did you get stares? Plenty, but you can't blame them, you should've been more careful.

The day went by weirdly well— it was that or you were too drugged to process anything. The substance made you unable to feel pretty much anything, not to mention it made you insanely tired.

After lunch, you walked through the empty corridors, eventually bumping into someone. Normally you would apologize and continue with your life, but this was different.

It was Keigo.

"Look who finally showed face"

You looked at him, anger wanting to crawl out but the drugs forbade you from doing anything irrational. You simply stood there, watching your shitty ex talk to you, "I bet you were waiting all week to tell me that". "You're not worth thinking about for that long, cheater" He spat at you, and you couldn't believe how rude he'd become. It wasn't like him at all, but then again, he did throw you under the bus.

"Said the guy that took advantage of me, and took photos of me, you creep" You crossed your arms, trying to stand firmly on your two feet. "It's what you deserved" The blonde boy replied and you rolled your eyes, "what the hell happened to you?".

"The fuck does that mean?"

"(Y/n), you were always so calm and collected, always following orders and being the perfect girl, what happened?"

"What happened? I was sick of that lifestyle, it was so fake and toxic, all of you are really, I don't regret anything"

"But look at you! Now you always look sleep deprived and sick! Is it really worth it throwing away your good life for some boy that just moved in?"

And that's when you were speechless, you didn't know what to say or do. Hawks was confronting you, confused and frustrated as to why you would throw it all away from Dabi, even if  he just brought you trouble.

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