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You huffed once again, watching him cross his arms and wait for a response. "Yeah, get in" You tell him. Wearing a black hoodie, dry fit shorts, and white sneakers with socks, Dabi sits on the passengers and you start the car.

"Song?" You ask looking through your phone. "Them changes" He replies playing with his hair, still not looking at you. You cock up an eyebrow, "By thundercat, (y/n)" He repeats and you nod. I've never heard of them but alright.

Driving through the cold night always made you feel at peace for some reason, the windows were already fogged up from the chilly air. The two of you didn't speak until reaching the pharmacy's drive-thru. "Shit! Are you serious?" You curse under your breath, taking in the extensive line of cars awaiting.

"Can't we walk in" Dabi suggests, scrolling through his phone. "No, the pharmacy section is only through drive-thru at this hour" You explain, sigh, and line up with the last car. "So who's treatment are we picking up?" He asks after putting two and two together. "My dad's, he's sick" You explain bluntly and let silence take over once again.

"Why were you leaving your house..?" You asked, almost scared he'd burn your face right off. "You really wanna know princess? You might not like what you hear" He says with his raspy voice, and takes out a cigarette. "You're not smoking in my car" you pushed away his question for a second and gave him a nasty stare.

"Fine" He mumbled and shoved the item back into his hoodie. "And yeah, I'd like to know" You answered, driving a little bit forward now that the cars were moving. "I'm not exactly peaches and cream with my dad, and today he was visiting us" You hum, drawing small circles on your thighs. "So that injury you treated earlier? I was fighting with him" He completed his sentence, finally shifting his eyes back to you, and his cyan orbs were practically glowing within the darkness of the car.

"I know what you're thinking, oh! his father abused him! Something like that, but no, we're both just hot-headed, quite literally. And today we were talking about college and I got upset" He kept rambling on and you noticed this is the most he's ever talked consecutively. "Believe me, I'm sick of that topic too" He bursted out laughing. "You? You can go wherever the fuck you want" If only he knew...

"If you live in my neighborhood then you're financially stable too" you bite back and his laughter calms down. "My dad's the one who maintains us, my mom's just a puppet who can't divorce that man even if her life depended on it" He confesses and your chest tightened.

"Listen, don't act all surprised, I'm probably not going anywhere prestigious like you"

"I actually don't wanna-"

The song comes to a stop when you see an incoming call. The both of you stopped talking and you read the name on screen. Baby <3. You push your index finger on your lips to Dabi, telling him to stay quiet, and you answer him.

"(y/n), wow I didn't expect you to be awake"

"Yeah! I'm here picking up some medicine for my dad~"

"Okayyy, hey so you didn't answer my text earlier, are you done packing?"

"Y-Yeah of course.. Actually Keigo-"

"Perfect! We leave Friday in the evening, I'll pick you up and we can go to the airport"

"Yeepee... Anyways um, call you tomorrow yeah?"

"Okay baby, I love you goodnight"

"Me too baby!"

You hang up and find Dabi covering his mouth, practically sweating. He was holding in his laughter all this long. " Me too baby! Suck his dick already" He teased wiping away his tears from laughing. "Shut up!" You angrily snort at him. "That hey it's been all week i missed you sex is going to phenomenal isn't it" He joked resting his back against the door to face you better.

Your hand crawled up and played with the strands of your ponytail nervously. "We actually... haven't don't anything" He suddenly gets all serious and crosses his arms. Bullshit is the kind of expression he gives you, and you raise your eyebrows in I wish I was joking.

Shrugging and looking away, you said "I guess I'm just scared, because well.. he's ready and I'm not and he's been waiting for a while now". He gave you a smirked that only confused you. "I could show you how it's done" Dabi says fearlessly and your face grows hot.

"Very funny, but I'm good" You chuckled, moving the car once again, "What? I mean if you're looking for experience I'm your man, he doesn't have to know, no feelings involved".

You felt ashamed for even considering his offer that was obviously a joke. First of all, he does look like he knows what he's doing, and it's true, he would never tell Hawks. Yet, you couldn't bring it in yourself to cheat on your boyfriend of all highschool. "Don't get your panties in a bunch, it's obviously a joke" He reassures and chuckles on his own.

"Ugh! I hate this!" You yell in frustration, still in the midst of the extensive ling. You had been here for an hour now, and while Dabi was great company, you just wanted to go to sleep. "(y/n)" He called out for you and you swear it made your heart flutter. His voice was weirdly dominant and strong, so when he says your name you couldn't help but look his way.

"What were you going to tell me the night you came with me to the Wave" You assumed the Wave was the club he took you on Saturday. "Ah.. that, listen it's really stupid" You passed it off as some without meaning but he didn't break his character. "Too bad, I wanna hear it"

"I was having dinner at Hawks's house that night, and.. I don't know.. when we talked about college, it was so much pressure and, it was almost like they were pushing me down over and over.. " You felt your voice crack, shit not here.. anywhere but here. He notice but didn't  move, he was still completely serious. "And?" The boy wanted you to finish, sounded almost angry.

"Nothing I just felt like shit, I never have any say about where I wanna go, or what I wanna do.. Hawks's mom even thinks I won't get into my schools! And I know I don't care whether I get in or not, but I don't wanna disappoint anyone" You felt yourself unravel before Dabi's eyes. Your palms pressed on your eyes, stopping the tears from streaming down.

The car was completely silent, the song stopped playing a while ago, and here you were crying in front of your neighbor. Your neighbor, who probably had more on his plate than you ever will, and here you are crying about your picture-perfect life. "I just.. wanna be myself.. I don't wanna be anyone's perfect girl, but it's like I'm stuck.. and I have to pay for my mistakes" You mumble, and Dabi doesn't move or say anything. It's like he's giving you air and space to vent.

"Why the fuck aren't you saying a-anything"

"Sorry, I'm usually not one to play therapist"

Sniffing, you look at him, his eyes going straight at you. "I mean I'm just myself, I don't give a shit about what people want me to be, what do you mean pay for your mistakes?" He finishes and you noticed the line moving again. "It's complicated, we can talk about it some other day" He nods slowly and stays quiet. You wipe away anymore tear and rubbed your temples. You literally just broke down in front of Dabi! I'm so weak.

It took another hour, but you finally picked up the medicine and drove back home. All you had with Dabi were stupid and short-lived conversations, but it was better than earlier. You understood Dabi wasn't the type to comfort you, not that you were asking for it anyway.

"Well, thanks for letting me join you" The male told you, opening the door and getting off. You met with him in front of the car to say goodbye. It was awkward because it felt right to give him a hug, but he looked too intimidating. "You were good company" He chuckled and put his hand out, you rose a brow. "Your phone, princess" You give him the item and he punched in some numbers. Could it be? Is he giving me his number?

"Call that number whenever you feel overwhelmed" Of course, why would he ever give me his number. After a blunt Bye he leaves and enters the house, and you do the same. You sunk into the bed and looked at the phone number, puzzling at his odd kindness. Another night spent with Dabi, your new neighbor. 

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