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The first week felt like a blur and before you knew it, it was already a Thursday. You estimated the time was roughly around 9 p.m. but didn't really bother to check. Closing your books and sighing in relief that you caught up with all your work, you remembered leaving a book in your car that had an assignment due. Shit. You yawn as you dragged yourself down the stairs and outside into the cold atmosphere. The only light giving you vision was the light posts, and those were oddly dim. You slowly open your trunk and reach out for your missing item.

"Isn't it past your curfew"

You almost choked on your own saliva hearing his deep voice so close to you. Your body walked back a bit to see him, hands in his pockets with black clothing hugging his entire body.

"You.. scared me"

"Sure I did, princess"

Princess. The nickname sent a shivering signal through your nerves as his blue eyes stayed fixated on you. "What are you doing out here?" You attempted to move the conversation to be about him and he clicks his tongue before responding. "I was about to take a smoke break but then I heard you.. Thought I'd pay my neighbor a visit" He responded to you and in return you managed to pull a small smile on your face.

"Sorry.. what's your name?"

"Just call me Dabi, you?"


"Pretty name, suits you"

You chuckled softly at his compliment and held yourself from blushing, but the hot sensation was too obvious. He smirked at you, seeing you in a flustered state. What kind of person was this guy?

"Well, Dabi I got some work to finish, we can catch up another time?"

"Bummer, I was hoping you'd share a cigarette with me, glad to know you're just like the others"

"I'm sorry, what does that mean?"

Your heart began to pick up the pace, beads of sweat gathering on your forehead. Maybe he's being sarcastic, who does this guy thinks he is! I wasn't about to share a cigarette with him. "Figure it out, anyway, I'll leave you to it, bad meetin' you (y/n)" He turned around and walked away and left you with your mouth open. How can I guy be so flirty and a dick at the same time?

You huffed in return, finishing your initial task and heading into the house, upset at the events.

"Eyes up here"

You blinked and now you were with your boyfriend at his favorite restaurant. It had been three days since that rude conversation with your neighbor. You decided that as insignificant as it was, you should tell Hawks.

"So what else happened with that jerk, Dabi, was it?"

"Yeah, maybe he was in a bad mood I don't know"

"Just steer away from him, guy doesn't look like he has good intentions"

"You're right"

You close off the conversation and sip of your drink looking outside. Hawks sounded really worried, but who wouldn't when your neighbor looks like a serial killer? You didn't know why he just felt so familiar, however, your memory just became foggy every time you focused too much on it. You felt a warmth enveloping your hands and look back at the blonde-haired boy.

"Want me to stay over now?"

"That's okay baby, not like he's any real danger" you confirmed and he nodded. "By the way, my parents were talking about taking a tour around the universities on our list, did your dad tell you?" You cocked up an eyebrow and lifted your lips from the straw. Oh right, college. "No, I'm sure he's going to say yes anyway, when are we going?" You sounded tired, tired of the same topic and it was only the first week of classes.

"I was thinking labor day weekend" He answered massaging my fingers and I hummed back. "(y/n), are you okay?" He asked and you straightened yourself. Am I okay? "Yup, why?What's wrong?" He shakes his head and looks away.

"Nothing, you've been acting different lately, maybe you just need to rest"

"Mhm.. I could really use that"

"Stay over at my-"

His final sentence gets interrupted by the waiting placing the food onto the table. After eating, both of you left and went straight to your house.

"Pass by my place tomorrow?" you nod with a smile and kiss him, his hands quickly finding your waist and pulling you closer. It didn't take long until things became more intense and you could feel his hand move down. You shoved it away gently and he frowned.

"Sorry Keigo, I'm just-"

"Hey don't worry about it, whenever you're ready" He raised his hands away from you and laughed. You could never reach second base with him. It certainly wasn't because you didn't want to, but you just couldn't put yourself in that position yet. But he always told you he was ready whenever you were, and it melted your heart.

You kissed him goodbye and exited the car, exchanging looks one more time before leaving. You limped up the stairs and to your room, setting up everything down. The outfit you wore peeled off and you were in your bare underwear roaming around the room.

Suddenly, you feel a strong breeze hit you, and you realize you hadn't closed the window from this morning. When you shift your eyes over there, you see the other house with the same window, revealing your neighbor in plain boxers, looking at you. You stayed frozen in your position, goosebumps invading your skin as the black-haired boy stared at you, half-naked. You quickly covered your parts with your hands, but it really proved to be pointless. He gave you a smirk, and just when you gathered to guts to close the window, you see another girl appear in his room wrapping her arms around him, half-naked as well.

Pervert! You huff in panic and close the window, the last thing you see is him picking up the girl and dragging her to his bed. You hug yourself, and your breathing loses pattern, how long was he staring at me for? What the hell?

Boy Next Door - Dabi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now