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Gally was taking us somewhere, he told us that once we see it that we would understand it's our only way in.

"I don't remember.. I mean I know what I did but I don't remember" gally broke the silence, his head hung low in guilt.

I knew exactly what he was on about, still mad about it I decided to ignore him. Newt and Thomas were a little behind us, they were in their own conversation while me and gally were up front.

"You can ignore me all you want, just know I never meant to do it.. it's like they were controlling my head, like wicked were forcing me to do it, I promise I never meant too" he chokes back on his last words and I can truly see he's sorry.

"It happened a long time ago" are the only words I manage to spit out, avoiding his contact I look at my surroundings.

"I know you won't forgive me y/n but if I could take it back I would" he kept on about the subject and it began to irritate me. Not wanting to talk about it I decided to say the first thing that came to my mind.

"I'm pregnant" , I quickly shut my mouth, not wanting to realise what I had just said. Gally stops in his tracks for a few seconds before continuing to walk "does he know?" He asks me. "Not yet, I haven't had the chance to tell him, a lot has happened and I'm only three months along anyways" I reply back to him, playing with my thumbs. "You need to tell him at some point" he doesn't break his gaze, just keeps walking ahead. I roll my eyes at him "I will, when the time is right". And we carry on walking just a little further.

It becomes nightfall and we reach where we were supposed to be. Gally points to the building in front of us "this is where we're supposed to get too..." he stops for a minute to look through the telescope and continuing his sentence. "And this is how we're getting in" and points the scope at me, I look through the scope at a faint girlish figure. "Teresa" i mutter, that betraying bitch, I take my eye away from the scope and point it at Tommy. "No way" he says and immediately removes his eye, pointing the scope at newt who looks through quickly before rolling his eyes.

"I never said you'd like it, I said it's your way in" gally spoke, looking at us all. "And how are we going to get her to agree?" I ask him.

"Oh we're not, it's Tommy's job to lead her to us, we will get her to get us in from there, I have a plan" he replies, patting my shoulder before walking off.
I was sat in a little room, it was brightly lit from candles. We were all waiting for Tommy to come back with Teresa, he'd been gone for a fair few hours now.

I sat down with newt, gally sat across from us, running his hands through his hair. Newt was trailing his fingers over my arms, over the once bruised side. Now.. I think now is the time I should tell him. "Newt I have something to-" I began to tell him but got cut off from gallys loud voice.

"Took your time I see" he speaks to Thomas , it didn't look like he had Teresa until she slowly emerged from behind him. If looks could kill, she would've died by now, my eyes stared at her as she moved.

Thomas walked over to us as Teresa sat in the chair, gally began asking her questions, she answered every one willingly. She gazes over at me and them Tommy, "don't look at him, why are you looking at him? Look at me" gally spun the chair around and sat in front of her, leaning his arms on the back.

As time went by she answered everyone's questions, gally told her our plan, and how she was going to get us inside wether she liked it or not.

"It won't work, they'll know it's you, they'll know somethings wrong" she spoke with panic, almost like she was scared for us.

"And that's why we have these" gally held up some black uniforms, identical to the guards.

"Your thinking is smart, but those chips inside of you? Will prevent you from getting through the door" her words clicked something in me, I remember when we met Brenda and Jorge, they said we belonged to wicked, we're chipped.. they checked the back of our necks.

"Then you're going to get them out" I spoke up and passed her a scalpel "one..by one"

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