A new home

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"You're safe now" they told us. They want us to believe that we're safe.. I don't trust them but they helped us get out of there.

Thomas and newt have been asleep on my shoulder for the journey, we have no idea where we're going or how long it's going to be. Only a few of us survived compared to how many came with us. Frypan, winston, Thomas, me, Minho, Teresa and newt.. We're the only ones who made it. My heart sinks again holding the wooden carving to my chest.

We land in some sort of desert.. sand flying around as the blades spin heavily. The masked men rush us all off, waking most of us up and practically dragging us. In such a rush I forget the carving, wriggling free from their grip I run back to the helicopter grabbing it and running towards the open doors In front of me. "LETS GO LETS GO COME ON!!" The men shout I start running faster as gunshots erupt from behind me "CRANKS" I hear them yell and these things.. monsters start running towards us, froth at the mouth and screaming. "Y/n come on!! Quick!" Thomas rushes me to hurry and I make it through the door.

They shut behind me, several locks coming down, making a loud noise and causing us all too jump. I rub my eyes and try to adjust to where I am, some sort of underground unit, people glare at us giving dirty looks, we sit down in a group and wait for something.. anything..

The door opens and a man comes in, he has short grey hair with a little bit of stubble "you kids doing all right?" He asks us, as if he doesn't know what we've been through. We walk towards him "sorry about the fuss, we had ourselves a bit of a swarm" his voice deep and he seemed to be quite relaxed. Thomas steps forward "who are you" he asks, the question we all wanted to know the answer too.

The man sighs and looks down "I'm the reason you're all still alive" a confused look falls upon my face before he begins to speak again "it's my intention to keep you that way". We look at eachother and then back to the man "now.. come with me" and he signals us to follow. As we followed him he told us everything we needed to know, his name was Janson and apparently he ran this place. We were walking for quite a while as he explained more things too us. He tells us how wicked will never find us again and that we're all safe here.

He lead us to get cleaned up with a change of clothes and a shower. A feeling of joy rushed inside of me, as the scorching hot water hit my skin, making me feel a sense of comfort. Newt comes up behind me, wrapping his hands around my waist and leaning his head on my shoulder. He pulls my hair out of the way and begins kissing my neck.. and up my jaw, I lean my head back and let out a low moan.

I turn around to face him, putting my hands on the back of his neck and pulling him closer to me. I place my lips on his kissing him passionately and my hands tangle themselves in his hair. The cheers and hoorays could be heard from the other boys showering further down in their cubicles. I pull apart the kiss and turn back around, newts hands trail my body making me feel butterflies at every touch.

"I'll wash your hair for you" he whispers in my ear. I just smile in response, I was too tired to even say thanks or just turn around. He starts washing my hair and shortly moves on to washing my body.

We finished showering and were taken into a medical room, they said they needed too take our blood and run some tests to make sure we were doing ok. I sat down on a chair and watched others do the same, I look down at my arm and see them injecting some sort of liquid "what is this?" I ask, not too sure about being injected "it's just vitamin A and a few others, everything you've been deprived of out there" I just nod my head and let them carry on.

After everything was finished, a female doctor came up to me asking me to come with her. I look at newt "she's not going on her own, I'll come with" he protested. "No need she'll only be 5 minutes, go get something to eat, y/n will see you there" the doctor answered.

I hesitantly followed her into a little room and sat down on the bed "they wanted me to check on you, as you're a girl they thought it'd be more comfortable for a female to ask you these questions" she spoke while writing on her pad. "What questions?" I asked watching her vigorously write. "Have you had any sexual relations with any boy, either someone here? Or in the past" I gulp at her question "uhm.. I- yes" I whispered and hung my head low.

"And have you had your period?"

Colour drains from my face .. I haven't had my period.. "no" I mutter, scared that I could be pregnant.

"Well.. we can take a test and see what's going on" she smiled and got up writing a few things along the way.

We were careful.. there's no way I can be pregnant

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