The dream

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"Are you ready Y/N"
"Of course I am, Thomas is already in there, I need too see him"

"After 5 months things will start to change, you'll need to try and escape"

I look at the woman in front of me, she had blonde hair pulled into a tight bun, her face was a bit blurred preventing me from seeing her properly. She was injecting something into my arm..

"this will let you speak to Thomas without others hearing"

I nodded my head as she got up from the ground.

"You leave in 5"
I watch as she starts to fade, the whole dream starts to fade..

I wake up in a sweat.. I palm my head in my hands, trying to process the whole thing.. the first thing that came to mind was Thomas.

I clamber to my feet, hobbling towards the creaky wardrobe, I should really get one of the boys to fix that, I pull out a neatly folded black T-shirt and some shorts before heading down to breakfast.

I sit at the table with my friends , still thinking about my dream.. it wasn't so much a dream but more of a memory.. or a vision, but the more I think about it my 'dream' starts to blur.

"What you thinking about greenie" my thoughts are broken by newt sitting himself down next to me.

"Just a dream" i mutter hoping he wouldn't ask anymore about it. "A dream, about what?" I sigh dropping my head "I.. I don't remember much.. I don't know". Thomas lifts his head and meets my eye.. I break away contact and immediately look down.

"Well.. are you ready for the tour" newt held his hand out helping me up from the table.

We start walking around the glade, we stop at a few places more than once, like the deadheads, and the medjack hut, because he kept forgetting We had been there about 5 times.

Newt suggested I try out some jobs for the day, see which one I like. He sent me to the slicers first, I walk in and the first thing I can think is how rotten it smells. Apparently this is where they kill the animals. I introduce myself to the keeper trying not to gag.

the boy stared me up and down before giving me something to help clear up the mess on the floor.

The hours flew by , I have done a few jobs including slicer and builder, I was assigned to do baggers, but there was no way I was going to step into there. Maybe I could be a medjack or a trackhoe, from what I've seen they look the easiest for someone like me.
Dinner time came around and I was sitting at the table with the boys, lost in thought. "Greenie are you listening?" I felt a slight nudge on my shoulder and I turn my head to see Minho and newt looking at me.

"Oh..uhm no? Sorry I got distracted" I look at them both switching my gaze onto them as the begin to start to argue again about what job they think I should get. "I think she'd be a great medjack" Minho scoffs. "No I think she'd make an even better track-hoe, what'd you say greenie".

Both boys attention was back on me "y/n" I mumble to myself.. trying to see if the name belonged to me. "Speak up shebean, we can't hear you" Minho leaned closer to hear what I was saying.

"Y/N, that's my name.. I remember my name!!" I jump up ecstatically catching the attention of half the glade, my cheeks turn red of embarrassment and I sit down almost as quickly as i had stood up. The boys started laughing at me before continuing on with their conversations, I sat picking at my food.

"Do you remember me"

I look around frantically trying to figure out where the voice is coming from. I can't see anyone speaking to me..

"please say you remember me" the voice was a bit louder this time. "No.. I don't remember you" I could feel myself starting to panic.

A throbbing pain shot through my head, I held my head in my hands groaning as the pain grows. "Y/n are you ok?" Newt rushes to my side placing his hand on my back.

"Please remember me please"

"Stop! Stop it please" I was now yelling at the voice to stop, the pain grew more intense making me scream.

"Medjacks get the medjacks!!" Newt was ordering people to get me help.

Black spots started to appear in my vision, and I couldn't see properly.

"I DONT REMEMBER YOU!!" I fell at my knees letting out one last scream before hitting the floor.

I couldn't remember.

A/n I know some of you may not like this chapter!, but I put in a lot of thought and work into this one, so I hope you enjoy it! Xx

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