A way out

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2 days later and Alby has woken up properly after having the serum for the sting, he refused to talk to anyone, and just sat in bed at the homestead all day, newt went in first, then Thomas, then me, Teresa, and a few others, he wouldn't talk to any of us.

Newt stayed with me in the homestead last night as I didn't want to be alone, I swivel my head round to see him fast asleep, snores drifting out of his mouth every couple of seconds. I carefully remove his hand from around my waist and clamber my way to the broken wardrobe, rummaging through clothes to find a crumpled up grey T-shirt along with some black leggings.

"Wow.." I jump at the sound of newts voice behind me, pushing clothes up towards my chest as I fail to finish putting my T-shirt on.
"Oh shucks.. sorry I didn't mean too.. oh-" he quickly covers his eyes, giving me time to slip on my T-shirt. I watch his cheeks glow a bright red and I throw my old pyjama top at him.

"Hey! What was that for!" He uncovers his eyes and glares at me making me laugh. "You know what for! It's rude to stare at something that isn't yours" I protest, putting my hands on my hips. Newt fumbles his way out of bed and makes his way towards me snaking his arms around my waist. "So you're not mine huh?" His words shock me as I realise what I previously had said.

"That's not what- I didn't mean.." my face burns up and I feel it getting awkward. Newt lifts my chin up "I know what you meant love" and places a quick kiss on my lips. Before walking off to the bathroom too sort out his bed hair, and hopefully put some clothes on as he insists on Walking around in just grey pyjama bottoms.

I was already in the garden doing my job when Teresa came over "how you holding up" I ask , moving my gaze upon her and leaning against my rake. "It's alright I guess, ive mostly stuck with Tommy when he's not in the maze" she blushes as she says his name. "You have a thing for my brother eh?" Her face drops before beginning to speak "I.. uh, don't know what you're on about" her words getting caught in her throat. "Sure you don't" I wink at her before continuing to sort the flowers.

Nighttime fell quickly and the time was 8:30, an hour before the doors close and the boys arrive early, coming over to sit at our table.
"What'd you find today?" Chuck asks, his chubby cheeks filled with food. I laugh at his antics before digging in to the food myself.
"I think we.." Minho begins "found a way out" Thomas finishes, I immediately put down my fork and look up at them. "A way out?" I ask in a hush whisper, my eyes lighting up at the thought of finally getting out of here.

"It was an accident, we kind of stumbled upon it , we think it's where the grievers go during the day" Minho was now scoffing down his food. "G-grievers.. isn't that dangerous" I see chucks face full of fear, I reach my hand over into his and comfort him. "A little but it's worth the risk little man, we can get out of here" newt was helping me comfort Chuck , the fear slowly leaving his face.

Thomas cocks his head staring at something, his eyebrows furrow and a concerned look spread across his face "somethings wrong" he blurts. Teresa places her hand in his i watch as their hands intertwine, her facial expression dropping. I whip my head round trying to figure out what they were staring at, "nothings wrong Tommy? I think you're overthinking" I slowly turn my head back round to my food, seeing that they were still staring. "No he's right.. somethings wrong" newt had now piped up and everyone's attention was looking around the glade. And that's when it clicked...

"The doors.. they haven't closed" my eyes grow wide at the doors still remaining open. I check my watch 9:40pm, it's ten minutes past the time they needed to close, the gladers start to panic and run frantically around the glade.

"They're coming.."

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