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This chapter is a long one but interesting! Enjoy xx



That's the word I would use to describe the glade right now, chaotic.. Thomas and Minho were trying to calm everyone down, gathering as many of the boys as they could.

"EVERYONE TO THE HOMESTEAD!!" Newt was ushering the boys pointing towards the main building, I watch as everyone runs in fear for safety. I start running as fast as my legs would carry me, jumping over any obstacles in the way. Thomas and Teresa pass me hand in hand running towards the homestead, ugh really?. I look around frantically to find newt, Minho was holding open the door, hollering at the last few gladers to hurry up. I see newt shortly behind me trying to keep up so I stop and wait.

"Y/n go!! I'll be right there" he shouts once seeing me stop in my tracks. "I'm not leaving you!" I run over and place his arm around my shoulder, signalling Minho to come over and help me carry him into the building.

We reach the homestead practically throwing ourselves inside waiting for minho to shut the door. "Everyone upstairs to the medical section, stay close I'll be right behind you" newt was still shouting orders trying to keep everyone safe. I lift his arm off my shoulder and I meet his eyes, panic laced in his expression, he gulps and grabs hold of my hand, hobbling up the stairs together.

My eyes scan across the room, all the gladers were huddled into corners, staying close with eachother as the ear piercing shrieks from grievers echoed throughout the glade. I sit down in one of the corners as newt turns off all the lights, "sit down, you need rest" I pat the spot next to me watching as he sits himself down besides me.
I lean my head into his chest listening to his heartbeat become faster with every breath he took.

After a while of sitting he speaks up "thank you.. for not leaving me" I take a deep breath before answering "I couldn't live with myself if I left you, I can't even think about leaving you.. I love you" my hand grabs his, locking our fingers together. "I love you too y/n" a smile spreads across my face as I realise this is the first time we've ever told eachother, in a time of trouble is the time we finally admit it.

My smile drops at the sound of metal screeching coming closer, the blinks of red lights can be seen from a distance, almost like they were manmade. A terrified Yelp could be heard within the room, everyone huddled closer, backing further and further away from the door.

The whole building suddenly begins to shake as a massive thud hit from outside. I could see the fear in everyone's faces, they thought they were going to die.. I held my breath, cuddling closer into newts chest, I felt a sense of protection and safety when I was with him, something I never felt anywhere else.

"Everyone back further away" the voice was a hushed whisper, I look up to see alby holding a finger to his lip asking everyone to be quiet. He was finally speaking to everyone.. helping us.. "alby you're speaking!" Minho shouts, a little too loudly.. making me punch him in his shoulder to shut up. "Zip it slinthead" i mutter at him as quiet as I can. He rubs his shoulder and sits back down doing as he's told.

The quiet only lasted for a minute before the roof was crashed into, horrified screams filled the room as a pair of glowing red eyes shone down on everyone. Newt tightened his grip on me, pulling me closer to his chest with both arms. I watch as a metal, slimy hand crams itself into the room grabbing people and snatching them. "Jeff!!" I yell watching as hes dragged through the roof screaming for us to help. Tears streaming down my face as I see the people I care about disappearing one by one..

"No chuck!!!" I jump to my feet running over to help get Chuck out off the grievers grasp. I feel myself being lifted out of the room with Chuck. "Y/n let go.." his eyes full of tears, I shook my head, "shut it shuckface I'm not leaving you!" I tighten my grip, trying to drag him back to the ground. I feel a pair of hand grab my feet, and another grab my arms helping me bring Chuck down to safety.

As the boy hits the floor I bring him close to my chest, ruffling my hands through his hair, just happy he was safe.

"Y/n.." Minho catches My attention and points to newt who has his head in his hands , hovering in the corner. I trudge my way over, sitting next to him placing my arm around him. He slowly lifts his head up his eyes bloodshot from crying as mine must be too.. "alby.. they took alby.." I scan the room counting heads, seeing who had been taken, in total it was 12 of us in here taken..

Most of us had been taken..

'His greenie' | Newt x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя