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*TW* sexual assault.

"Where are they?" I start to panic as Thomas and Brenda don't make it down to the bottom, scared of what might happen. "There's another way out, they'll make it, let's go on" Jorge starts walking away, a few of the others follow. I give up waiting and begin to follow them, grabbing newts hand along the way.

I stop in my tracks as I hear it.. the explosion, knocking me to the ground in the process. I clamber onto my feet, staring at the building before me in flames. Tears start streaming down my eyes, realising Tommy still hadn't made it. I break down onto my knees in tears, newt rushes over to me to stop me from falling, "it's ok, they made it out, I know they did Tommy knows what he's doing" he reassures me. Jorge comes over to help newt lift me up "they would've made it, I promise" he tells me, so sure that they made it out in time.

Emotion overwhelms me to the point I shut it all out just to feel nothing, just to feel the pain go away. With the help of the boys I make it back onto my feet, following jorge to find the right arm. It was quiet, no one had really spoken and I refused to speak to anyone anyways, I felt lost, not knowing what to do with myself I just cling to newts arm, wanting that sense of safety and protection.

Most of the day had flown by, I still refused to talk to anyone.. we make it too this building that looks like there's a party. "Y/n stay out here" newt tells me as he walks in with the others, Teresa stays outside with me. I can see she's trying to hold herself together as she was also unsure wether Thomas truly made it out. Not wanting to speak properly, I speak in my mind.

"He would've made it, I know my brother he's smart" I tell her. She smiles at me before speaking.

"I know he is, I'm just scared in case he's hurt" I knew exactly what she was feeling, the pain.

My head starts throbbing, and my vision gets blurry, pain starts shooting up the side of my head. Teresa tries to ask me what's ok in my mind again but that only makes it worse, I grab my head and scream out in pain. I start to run, hoping the pain would fade.. I give up and slouch myself in a corner, closing my eyes for just a minute.

"Alright there Darlin, u seem- seem.. a bit drunk" the slur of someone's words made my eyes shoot open to see a man in front of me. He had a scruffy beard and a beer in his hand, he was swaying about unable to stand in one place.

The pain starts to slowly fade and I manage to get myself back onto my feet. "I'm fine" I mumble and try to walk past him, "not so fast darlin, can't be wearing clothes like that and expect me not too touch" he winks at me making me feel sick to my stomach. I try to walk away again but he grabs me by my waist and pushes me against the wall, his hands gripping at my body. "Stop it! I get off" I hiss at him but my words don't phase him as he carries on. "Stop! Help me.. NEWT!!" I yell hoping that him or someone else would hear me. Nothing.. no one could hear me, I try and push him off me but he doesn't budge, his beer was spilled all over me and his hands were tugging at my shorts, I begin to cry for help. "Help me please!" I yell one last time.

Newts POV
I step outside to tell y/n and Teresa it's ok to come in, we had found what we were looking for and even better we found Thomas, he was unconscious but he was ok.

"Teresa, y/n you guys can come-" I stop as y/n is no where to be found. Teresa steps out from around the corner , I could tell something was wrong. "Where is she?" I ask hoping they were just playing a prank. "I don't know I can't.. I can't find her, she was in pain so she ran" she chokes back on her words. I waste no time running around trying to find her and that's when I could hear her voice. "Stop! Help me.. NEWT" her screams made my heart drop, I search for where the sound was coming from and I find her, laying helplessly on the floor, begging for help as some man lays on top of her.

I grab him by the collar and throw him on the ground, laying a few punches on him hoping he'd stay down. I look down at y/n trembling on the floor, her shirt was ripped but other than that it seems like I got there in time. I pull off my jumper and help her to her feet, sliding the jumper over her she throws herself in my arms, sobbing into my shoulder.

I throw myself into his arms, sobbing into his shoulder, I can't believe he got there just in time.

He takes me back to the building, my eyes obviously puffy from crying. As people were about to ask me what was wrong or where I had been, newt shook his head and they stopped. Out the corner of my eye I see Teresa talking to Tommy, I run over in an instant , throwing my arms around him and embracing him into a hug. "You dick! Don't ever do that again I thought you died!" I spoke with relief that he was ok. He pulled apart from me and looked me in my eyes "as if I'd ever leave without saying goodbye" he playfully shoves my shoulder making me laugh.

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