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"lovers fight to the death to protect each other"

"lovers fight to the death to protect each other"

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Everyone made their way swiftly overseas. Lucy, Draco, Oliver, Elena, and Damon were all trained soldiers. Elena couldn't come to due to the baby, but Caroline insisted coming in her place.

Lucy obviously didn't like that idea.

"Absolutely not. No way. You will sit here and wait for us to come back."

"I have vampire strength. And training. I've just never taken the soldiers tests." Caroline said.

"I will not have you out in battle."

"You can't tell me what to do."

"It's too dangerous."

"It's dangerous for you too!"

Lucy stopped. This was technically true. She couldn't even count how many times she's almost died because of her duties. And she still had to take her mandatory therapy.

"What if you get hurt?" Lucy lowered her voice.

"I won't. Cause you'll be by my side." Caroline reassured her.

Lucy sighed and narrower her eyes. "You're getting dangerous you know."

"Where do you think I learned it from?"

Caroline walked past her and Lucy let out a chuckle. They went to the shuttle with the green horses. They were exactly like the blue horses except these ones took you to the plane to get overseas.

Lucy lose her breath at the sight of the horses. She was reminded of being taken to the outlands. Two days in the cold, deafening silence.

She couldn't breathe here.

"You alright?" Oliver asked, coming behind her.

"Yeah- just wondering when i'll eat again." Lucy lied with a fake laugh.

"Oh yeah, i'm starving. I've discovered wolf bites make me hungry. Not sure how to feel about that." Oliver continued to rant on about food which distracted Lucy from her freak out about the horses.

It was a long ride to the site. It was nice seeing Damon and Enzo again though. Bonnie was at the Wolf kingdom looking after a very pregnant Elena. The birth of the first werewolf/vampire since High King Klaus was an exciting occurrence.

They all changed into their soldiers outfits which covered their chests and heads especially. Lucy led them to the main tent which was headquarters (Lucy was the head soldier back in Mystic Falls Wolf triad) and asked for whoever was in charge.

A tall attractive asian man came into their sights and greeted them. "I'm Commander Nakamura, I've been trying to gain control on most of what's happened."

"Can you explain what's been happening?" Lucy asked, total seriousness on her face.

"Word traveled quickly about you and your brother being sent to the outlands wrongfully. Then they heard about Queen Kallista. Some of the werewolves attacked the vampires in her defense. They struck back. Then the witches got involved somehow. We've been trying to contain them. We've managed no casualties except for what they've done to each other." He explained.

🌻 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝𝐬 🌻 | 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗯𝗲𝘀 (𝗴𝘅𝗴)Where stories live. Discover now