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"you look like an angel"

Caroline had to be in her room with Stefan the rest of the day after the attack

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Caroline had to be in her room with Stefan the rest of the day after the attack. She stood around, restless, and looked out the window. Draco and Oliver stood close together as they planned the ball that was supposed to welcome the witch queen and king. Caroline tucked away her blonde hair listened with her vampire ears.

"I don't understand why you'd want to marry Elena."  Oliver says in a whisper.

"Can we not talk about this right now?" Draco responds as he directs a woman hanging lights.

"Elena is a great person, but you don't love her-"

"And? I'm supposed to be king, and I'm supposed to have a queen by my side."

"With your mother in your ear." Oliver scoffed.

"It's not something you'd understand."

"Yeah you're right, I don't." Oliver walked away, leaving Draco saddened. He masked his face quickly and continued planning the ball as if nothing happened.

Caroline pouted slightly. Poor Ollie. Poor Draco. Poor Lucy. Caroline shook her head. No thinking about Lucy. The infuriating woman kept invading her thoughts and it made her angry beyond words.

"And then I walked off as the thing went up in flames. I'm so glad my brother decided to leave." Was Stefan talking this whole time? "Care? You listening?"

"Hm? Oh, yes. That is very cool, Stefan." She smiled, hiding her oblivion to his conversation.

He smiled and kept talking, not taking notice of her mental departure.


Lucy walked down the steps in her velvet red gown. Her long hair was pinned up elegantly, and she looked around the room, noticing she was the most good looking one here.

"Well well well, who knew my sister could clean up so nicely?" Draco smiled when she walked up to him.

"Oh please, I outlook you every day." She teased.

"I beg to differ. You see these cuff links?" He put on a whole show as he spun around, making Lucy laugh at his pretentiousness.

"I'm afraid you're both in the wrong." Oliver came up and looked behind them.

Lucy turned around and stopped short at what she saw. Caroline was at the top of the steps, looking like an Angel in white. She had a dainty bejeweled tiara atop her head and beautiful silk gloves to match her dress. Lucy was quite literally speechless.

Then Stefan came beside her to lock arms and Lucy internally gagged. She also took notice to Caroline's slight frown. They walked down the stairs, hand in hand, and walked to his brother.

"Damon, it's great to see you again."

"Lady Caroline, always such a delight." The blue eyed man smirked and kissed her hand.

"And who might this be?" Draco asked.

"Duke Damon of the vampires. Pleased to make your acquaintances." He smiled to all of them.

One by one they shook hands with the handsome man and introduced themselves.

"And this is Duchess Elena Gilbert, of the werewolves." Caroline said as Elena stumbled into the room, late as she slept in.

She stopped short and Damon widened his eyes. He didn't think he'd see his mystery Paris girl here. "Pleased to meet you." He tried to shake off his startled eyes.

"Likewise." She said, almost in a whisper.

Caroline gasped and smiled, just as she was about to say something the horns blew. The queen and king were about to arrive.

"Royals of mystic falls may I present to you, King Huxley." King Robert announced as a dark skinned man came into their sights. "Queen Beatrice." A beautiful brown skinned woman wearing the most beautiful dress joined him. "And Princess Bonnie, of the witches." Finally a girl who looked exactly like the queen, joined them. She wore her hair shorter than most princesses and had a very gorgeous purple dress flow from her body.

The room enveloped in claps as they welcomed the royals. The trio made their way down the steps, the queen waving looking powerful. Princess Bonnie looked incredibly nervous and uncomfortable to be stared at and Lucy decided to save her.

"Princess Lucy, care to join us?" She introduced, taking her hand.

"Sure. I'm Bonnie- or Princess Bonnie- but you already know that-." The girl stammered adorably.

Lucy chuckled and introduced her to the group. They all talked and laughed, making her feel more comfortable. After a while, the waltz was to begin.

Draco danced with Elena, both secretly wanting to be with other people. Stefan and Caroline were paired, as Oliver and Lucy were to dance. Oliver got tired after a while and excused himself. Lucy went to an awkward looking Bonnie and decided to dance with her, despite all the looks of two women together.

"Have you ever been to Forbes Castle before?" Lucy asked, making conversation.

"N-no. Mother usually wants me inside."

Lucy twirled the girl around before holding her again. "I'm sure you'll like it. The people here are rather...entertaining."

Bonnie chuckled lightly, feeling nervous at Lucy's beauty. Partners switched up and Lucy was met with another pretty face.

"Fancy meeting you here." Lucy smiled.

"Girls aren't supposed to be dancing together." Caroline states.

"What's the harm in a beautiful girl dancing with another beautiful girl?" She feigned innocence.

"Everyone's looking at us." Caroline grew nervous at everyone's wandering eyes. Especially from Queen Kallista.

"Let them look. With a girl as gorgeous as you, they ought to."

"Was that a compliment from Princess Lucy?" Caroline said in fake shock, brushing away the butterflies she got from her comment.

"Only the best get them so soak this up while you can." She smirked and twirled the blonde around, holding her a lot closer than she did Bonnie.

"You look nice too. Really nice." Caroline said after a moment.

"I know."

Lucy laughed and pulled an exasperated Caroline back to her. "Thank you, sunshine."

"Why do you keep calling me that?" Not that she minded in the slightest.

"Think it suits you." Was all she said.

A sudden scream was heard throughout the castle. Elena was seen dragging in a blood stained Oliver.

"Ollie!" Caroline rushed over to them, Lucy following close behind.

Damon and Stefan came onto the scene and King Robert tried to calm everyone down. "Another attack."


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