🌻 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆 🌻

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"I love formal introductions"

Princess Caroline Forbes was in the middle of reading a book about the history of vampire when her best friend Oliver came outside

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Princess Caroline Forbes was in the middle of reading a book about the history of vampire when her best friend Oliver came outside.

It was a beautiful sunny day that Caroline had seen none of. It had been exactly one year since Queen Liz's funeral. Or as Caroline had called her,


After that, Caroline was promised to Duke Stefan, so they could rule over vampires as queen and king. Something Caroline made no fuss about. Her mother always followed rules, and so would she. In the giant country of vampires, the blonde went day to day trying her hardest to follow in her mother's footsteps. She had her lessons to prepare her for queenship, but she wasn't sure she'd ever be ready to rule.

"Ah, Cece, always reading. So boring." Oliver Brown said as he sat down across from her.

"What do you want, Oliver?" The vampire asked, not looking up from her book.

"Just wanted to announce the King and Queen are here from the city of werewolves. And their son is," Oliver made a kissing sound as he touched his lips, "perfect."

Caroline laughed and rolled her eyes at her best friend. Oliver was a vampire whose parents were killed when he was young. Queen Liz took him in and Caroline had known him as a brother ever since. The pair made their way down the beautiful steps of their castle hand in hand. She had to prepare herself to meet new people. After her mother's death, social activities became absolutely exhausting to her.

Before that she was a social butterfly. Always going to parties in the village and traveling to Paris with her friend, Elena. But now, just the thought of three people invading her home made her want to lie down for a nap.

Oliver was muttering something about how he wished the werewolf prince was single when Caroline stepped away. She wanted to greet them, but had no intention of following through. The blonde heard her kind but deep fathers voice along with others.

"You know some people would find it rude not to greet their guests." A British voice rang in her ears.

Caroline turned around to be greeted with what she thought was the most beautiful face. Possibly the first person she had talked to except her father, Oliver, and her instructor in a year. The woman in front of her wore her hair long down her back, half up in braids. Her rich velvet dress was the deepest of green and it flowed down her body perfectly.

"Pardon?" She responded.

"You heard me." The woman said as she pointed to her ears.

Caroline shook her head and closed her eyes, knocking herself out of her head, "right. Apologies, I'm-"

"Princess Caroline." The woman finished for her with a smirk. The charm and cockiness exuded from the tall woman and she looked the blonde up and down. "You know you'd be more approachable if you didn't stare so much."

"And who are you to tell me how to act?" Caroline crossed her arms, trying to appear as intimidating as the woman did.

"Princess Lucy of the werewolves at your pleasure, sunshine." The woman did a fake bow.

"You're the Queens daughter." Caroline felt stupid. "I apologize-"

"No need to apologize, Princess. I was only messing with you."

"Oh. I knew that."

Lucy chuckled. "You're adorable."

Caroline didn't get to respond when the doors opened. She hid her blush as more people came into the room.

"Princess Caroline, it's a pleasure to meet you. I was sorry to hear of your mother's passing." A gorgeous brown skinned woman took Caroline's hand gently.

"Thank you, I hope you enjoy your stay here Queen Kallista." She smiled politely, hiding her exhausted at the topic of her mom. All year along if people weren't pitying her with their looks, they were doing so in letters.

"I see you've met my daughter, Lucy. I hope she didn't say anything inappropriate." The Queen side glanced Lucy.

"Always well behaved for you, mother." Lucy sarcastically smiled.

"Draco, pleased to meet you." An attractive boy she didn't take notice of approached her and held out a hand.

Caroline greeted him and he kissed her hand. Lucy scoffed and smacked his head. Caroline giggled lightly then noticed Oliver come into the room.

"And who might you be?" Draco asked smirking.

Lucy and Caroline both rolled their eyes as Oliver stopped in his tracks. "Duke Oliver Brown, an absolute pleasure to meet you."

"I assure you the pleasure is mine." Draco used the same hand kissing move on Oliver.

"Draco." Queen Kallista said in a low voice, as if telling him to knock it off.

"Darling, help me show them to their rooms?" King Robert asked after having a nice conversation with King Christian.

"Sure, daddy. This way." She led the siblings upstairs.

"Actually id like to explore the garden. I've heard it's beautiful." Draco stated.

"I volunteer as tribute to be your tour guide." Oliver dramatically said as his hand shot up in the air.

The pair left before anyone could object and Lucy followed Caroline up the stairs, slightly admiring the paintings that covered the walls. Once they reached her room, Lucy smiled to Caroline.

"So where's your room at?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious." Lucy still looked mischievous as she tried to look innocent.

"It's just over there." Caroline pointed across the long hall.

"Ah, we're practically roommates."

"Not really."

"Maybe you could show me around the castle as our fathers speak. I've heard a lot about Forbes country, I'm curious as to how it all looks."

"It's not our country- other species live here that we don't rule." Caroline hated it when Oliver called Mystic Falls just theirs.

"Your family certainly acts like they do." Lucy raised an eyebrow.

Before Caroline could get out a heated response, King Christian called Lucy downstairs. The brown haired beauty smirked and waved to the blonde, before disappearing from sight.

This was going to be a long trip.


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