Episode 100: The Season 2 Finale!

Comenzar desde el principio

Blossom: Hmph.

Maya: What's wrong, Blossom?

Me: Well, the Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon characters can occasionally be rivals.

Maya: Oh, I see.

Me: Well now that we got them out of the way, time for the next set of characters! These characters are the first *and probably only* set of characters that first made their television debut in this decade! Care to guess who it is?

Emily: You know what? I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's Healin Good Precure! Their story has come to an end, and this is the final episode of Season 2, so this is the PERFECT way to end off the 2nd season!

Me: Emily...

Emily: I'm wrong, aren't I...

Me: No! You're actually right!

Emily: I AM?!

Me: Yep! Come on down, ladies!

*the spotlights once again turn on and point to the 4 magical girls onstage*

???: Hi!

Nozomi: At long last, you're finally here!

*the ladies start walking off the stage*

Clyde: Hey Lincoln, you OK?

Lincoln: *blushes madly*

Phoebe: Oh no, he's blushing again...

Ronnie Anne: WHAT?!

Haruka: Oh no...

Lincoln: MARRY MEEEEEEE!!! *runs up to the Healin Good girls and starts relentlessly kissing the Pink girl*

???: Stop kissing me!!

???: Hey! Stop it!

*the blue and yellow girls pull Lincoln off the girl in Pink, meanwhile with Ronnie Anne...*

Ronnie Anne:

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