"And you found out, you are a pus- sissy in front of her," Linc remarked. I'm going to murder that cheeky brat someday.

"Luc, if she has shown herself after all these years, she is planning something big. Don't get blinded by your ego." My dad was a person of few words, and whenever he said something, he was usually right. But he was wrong this time. She can't defeat me. Rivera Industries is much more powerful than her company, which is spread only in this state.

"You know what you did all those years ago was wrong, son." Mom said, "But we are family and will always support you, just don't underestimate her."

"Don't worry Mom. There is nothing to fear. I'm getting late for the office. Goodbye Mom, Dad. Bye, brat."

I decided to drive to the office myself today and gave my driver a holiday. I do think about my employees, you know.

I took the elevator to my floor, where I saw all my things removed from my desk and Andrea on my seat.

"Who allowed you in my cabin and dare you sat on my seat?" I shouted, this girl brings out the worse in me.

"LOWER YOU'RE EFFING VOICE AND MIND IT, YOU ARE TALKING TO THE CEO OF THE COMPANY" She screamed. I was shocked to hear that she thought she owned the company and also that she lost her temper.

Deep breaths, Lucas, deep breaths. You can't kill your future wifey. I calmed myself and said, "What is the proof behind your statement?"

She opened her matte black bag and gave me some papers which had my signature on them. I didn't know that she would stoop this low and commit fraud to take her revenge. She hated me. But I won't ever lose my business to her. I tore the papers and told, "Do you think you're the CEO now?"

"Do you think I'm a fool to give you the original papers?" She remarked. Oh my god! She sounds hot when she is sassy. Don't divert your mind Lucas, the company is more important and she is your enemy now.

"I'll file a case on you, you illegally took my property, and not to say that they even had a signature on them."

"Oh, Darling it's of no use, check these papers and tell me who's done it illegally," She said to me and handed me two sets of papers.

I pretty much lost my anger at that point. I stepped forward to stop her, but she thought that I was trying to slap her so she twisted my hand, and kicked my precious junior.

I fell to the ground in pain. This girl surely can kick hard. I could feel the stars in my eyes. Has she done professional karate?

"Dare you to touch me again, and you'll lose your arm, and don't forget I warned you to be ready to deal my wrath, you son of a bitch." Smoke was coming from her ears

I stood up and yelled, "Why the fuck are you doing this? This ain't a board game to move your pawns as you wish."

She looked at me with a glare so intense, that one would burn to ashes of possible. "Did you think of it when my father requested you? Did you spare us? You not only took over our company but also all of our properties and don't forget you did the same way I did as back then we weren't ready to give up so easily." She ranted banging her fist on the table.

I should tell her the real reason as to why I did that before she destroys me. "I didn't mean to take away everything, I just wanted to marry you and leave your dad on his own, you didn't agree to marry me. Don't forget that I too have some respect."

"Where did respect come from? If a girl rejects you, you take it on your ego and hurt others? My father asked you for 2 years but you couldn't wait. Then you claim to marry me? You can't wait for 2 years for the payback, how will you wait for my answer to your proposal? Not that I'm going to marry you." She said in a calm and firm voice.

She didn't know how much I regretted not taking the right path to win her nine years ago. If I hadn't been so egoistic then, she would have become my wife and stayed the sweet Andrea I knew, not the vengeful girl in front of me. I sighed. "Okay, I agree on I wronged you but is it worth your time to take revenge? Will it make you different from me?" I asked her.

"Now, don't go with all the philosophy talks with me when you ain't perfect and you are saying this just because you want this industry, back!" She rolled her eyes and left the cabin without letting me give a reply.

I sat down on the sofa with my head between my hands. It was all my fault, I was the only reason she changed to this icy cold person, I did this to her. I destroyed her. Why wouldn't she hate me? I was the reason her family was thrown into the streets.

But this was not important. The company came first now. I had to take back my company, which my father worked hard for. With that in mind, I dialled the numbers of my father and lawyers and called them for an impromptu meeting.


All the chapters written till now has some difference from one another can you find out?



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