Chapter 32

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Jay's P.O.V.

It was a couple of weeks into the summer holidays. I went to go pick up my exam results. I passed all of them luckily.

"How did you do?" Hayley asked me.

"Four in everything," I told her.

"Well done," she said and she hugged me. 

"You did so well," Miss Carter told me as she walked over.

"Thanks Miss. None of us could of done any of it without you," I told her. I decided to stay on for sixth form. I mean, I didn't really have any other options. 

"I wasn't here most of the year," Miss Carter said.

"But you were Miss. You cared more about the students when you were on maternity leave than Miss Oakes did at all," I told her, truthfully. Kiaan came over to me.

"We're all going for a party at Alex's house, wanna come?" he asked. 

"Sure," I said. I went home and got changed.

~few hours later~

"Bye," I yelled as I walked out the back door. When I arrived at Alex's house it was packed. It wasn't just year 11s there. I am pretty sure most teenagers in Ackley were there.

"You alright man?" Kiaan asked when he saw me. He already looked and sounded smashed.

"Not too bad. How many have you had?" I asked him.

"One or two or more," he said. I laughed. We spent the night chatting and drinking.

"Wanna dance?" Kiaan asked. I don't think Kiaan could walk in a straight line never mind dance.

"Nah bro I'm good," I told him.

"Just do it," he yelled and he pulled me into the middle of the room. Kiaan started properly going for it. I smiled awkwardly at everyone. He was doing splits and all sorts. I had to stop him just as he was about to do a cartwheel into some year 13 girl.

"Get off me," he slurred.

"Mate you're drunk. I don't think it would be a good idea," I told him. I could see he was gagging and I ran to get a bin. He threw up and I sat with him for an hour, rubbing his back. Just as I thought he was fine, he threw up again. I didn't know how he could possibly have anything left in his stomach.

"Lets dance again," he shouted.

"No, not again," I said.

"You've been dead boring since Missy died," Kiaan told me. I knew he was smashed and didn't mean it but I shoved him and walked out the house. I walked home, alone in the dark with tears rolling down my cheeks. I hated being at home but I also hated being out. Actually the only thing I hated was Ackley Bridge.

"Fuck you Ackley," I screamed as loud as I could. I walked home and opened the back door. I was hoping to get to my room before Hayley or mum saw me. Sadly, Hayley was sitting on the sofa.

"What's wrong?" she asked. You know when someone asks you what's the matter and you just break down? Well this was one of those times.

"Oh come here," Hayley said. I walked to the sofa and curled up next to her.

"I miss her so much," I said between sobs. I was shaking from crying so hard.

"Oh god I know, we all do. Things are going get better. Trust me," Hayley told me.

"It's been almost a year and everything is getting worse," I said. She hugged me tighter and we watched some random film. We fell asleep on the sofa and woke up to a loud banging on the back door. Hayley went to get it.

"Oh it's your mate who throws up on people," Hayley said.

"Tell him to fuck off," I told her. I hadn't explained about what he had said. I mean it was offensive but probably true.

"You heard him, off you go," Hayley said.

"Look, Jay, I'm sorry just please listen to what I have to say," Kiaan shouted to me. I walked over and Hayley hovered as she 'made a cup of tea'.

"I'm sorry about what I said last night. If I'm being honest I don't even remember saying it. I know that being smashed isn't exactly an excuse but I'm sorry. It's not true and I know you've had it hard. Harder than most people in this stupid town," Kiaan explained. I knew he was being honest. Kiaan Alvi never said sorry. 

"Bro it's fine," I told him.

"You sure?" he asked. I'm guessing he expected me to still be mad.

"Of course man," I said. He smiled.

"Wanna cuppa?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah thanks man," he said.

"Can you make two more?" I asked Hayley. She reluctantly agreed. I'm pretty sure she was still mad at Kiaan over the sick incident.

A few days later, we all went to wave Nas off. She was leaving for Oxford. I was going to miss her. It was like the last piece of Missy was leaving and I couldn't do anything about it. She hugged us all 1 by 1.

"She would be so proud of you," I whispered as she hugged me. She smiled.

"See you soon doctor Nasreen Paracha," I said. She chuckled slightly. We waved as the car pulled away. Raz looked pretty upset and Hayley said she was going to get pizza to cheer us all up. Mum went with them to collect it.

"You coming?" Saleem asked me.

"I'll be 5 minutes," I said. I don't know why but I felt like I needed to go up to Missy's room. I ran up and looked around. Apart from the bed actually being made, it easily looked like she was still living there.

"She did it Missy. She's gone to university. Nas is going to do us all proud. I hope I'm making you proud, I mean I haven't been arrested yet this summer so that's something," I said out loud. I knew she couldn't hear me but it felt right. I turned and started walking down the stairs.

"Love you Missy Booth," I said as I ran next door to get my pizza.

Thanks for reading. I loved writing it and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it :)

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