Chapter 21

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Jay's P.O.V.

Me, Hayley and Nas were sitting on the stairs. We had just heard Missy tell Aaron that she was pregnant. 

"I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE," Hayley cheered. She got up and ran into the living room. I followed her in. Of course I was excited but babies are hard work. They were all celebrating and I noticed that Aaron had left his breakfast on the table. I picked it up and ate some.

"What are you not excited?" Missy asked when I didn't join in the celebration.

"No I am," I told her.

"He's just more excited about my sausages," Aaron said.

"Missy's the only one excited for that," I said. Hayley laughed and Missy hit me on the shoulder. 

"I'm joking and I can't wait," I said to them. I walked to school and was just waiting in the quad when Candice stood up on the ramp.

"MISSY BOOTH'S GOT A BUN IN THE OVEN," Candice yelled. Everyone gasped or laughed.

"Is she pregnant?" some guy asked me.

"Maybe," I told him.

"Is she?" some girl asked.

"Dunno," I said.

~after school~

We went round to the Paracha's for dinner. Me and Saleem were talking.

"Wanna go to my room?" he asked.

"Alright," I said.

"Oi grab the kebabs," he told me. Mrs Paracha was talking to Nas and Mr Hyatt so I grabbed some and tried to sneak out.

"Oi where you bloody going?" Mrs Paracha asked. I shrugged.

"You need to be setting example for bloody kid," she told me.

"If I'm setting the example, you guys are going have one messed up kid," I told them.

"I don't feel great. I think I might head back," Missy said.

"Babe, do you want me to come with you?" Aaron asked.

"No, I'm fine," Missy told him.

"No. Go with her. Look after her. It's your fault innit?" Mrs Paracha told Aaron.

"No, it's not," Missy said, "Just need a rest."

"Science homework can be very relaxing," Mr Hyatt told her.

"What cos you get so bored you fall asleep?" I whispered to Saleem. He laughed.

"You won't be getting no more homework off me, Mr Hyatt. I'm done with school," Missy said. 

"Missy. Missy," Aaron said and he followed her out of the house. I put my head in my hands. What did I expect? We all sat in silence and watched her go. After dinner, we went home.

"Why did you quit?" I asked Missy.

"Just leave it Jay," she said.

"No not til I get an answer," I told her.

"I've already had an education. What more do I need?" she asked. I didn't say anything.

"But what about a job?" I asked.

"Well I can get one when I need one," she said. I sat in silence.

"You didn't actually believe that I would go far, did you?" she asked me after a while.

"Of course I did. You were always the one I looked up to. No one else," I told her. She smiled.

The next few days went by pretty quickly.

I woke up one morning and went to wipe my face. I did that everyday. I lifted my hand up and wiped my face. It felt sticky. I tried to wipe it off with the other hand but it just made it worse. I looked at my hands and realised that someone (Hayley) had put squirty cream on my hands. I went downstairs while trying to lick it off my face.

"What have you got on your mush?" Missy asked.

"Ask Hayley," I told her. Hayley was laughing. I began tickling her.

"Oi stop, stop," she laughed while she tried to get free. She was trying to wriggle out my grip.

"STOP," she laughed but louder this time.

"I'm gonna be sick," Missy said. I stopped tickling her and went to grab the bin for Missy. She threw up in it and Hayley began rubbing her back. I looked away; it was disgusting. 

~that night~

I planned to get back at Hayley. Every single day, she swung her legs out of bed and slipped her feet into her slippers. My plan was simple. I put a bucket of water where her slippers were and snuck out the room.

~the next morning~

I woke up to the sound of Hayley screaming. My plan had worked. I heard Aaron and Missy running down the stairs. I stayed in bed.

"OH JAY," Missy shouted. I walked out of my room.

"Yes?" I asked innocently. Aaron was laughing and Missy glared at him.

"What is the matter dear sister?" I asked. 

"Your the matter," Hayley told me and she wiped her wet feet all over me. 

"Errr get your manky feet off me," I told her.

"You started it," Hayley shouted.

"No you put cream on my hands and drew a tash on me," I shouted back.

"Cos you grabbed my ankle," she yelled.

"I didn't know it would scare you," I shouted.

"JUST PACK IT IN BOTH OF YOU," Missy screamed. We stopped and turned to look at her. I walked off to get ready for school. 

~after school~

I walked in through the front door.

"Mr Shah is a right twat. He is saying that no wonder..." I trailed off. Missy was crying.

"You alright?" I asked. She shrugged and started crying harder. 

"Don't cry, come on," I said and I pulled her in close. She completely broke down. Hayley got home.

"What's wrong?" she asked and she looked dead worried. I looked at Missy.

"I'm not having the baby," she said.

"What you mi-?" I started to ask.

"No. I can't have it and A..., well Aaron's gone," Missy said. She carried on crying and Hayley sat down with us. We all sat in silence for ages.

"I'm coming back to school," Missy said after a while. I smiled.

"Good because you Missy Booth are gonna go far," I said. I got up to make us some tea.

"What am I going do though?" Missy asked.

"Well, you could be a pirate ahar," I said as I acted out having a sword fight. They both laughed.

"Or a pop star. You might even get a chance with Harry Styles then," I said.

"Or what was it you wanted to be when you were younger, oh yeah a cat," I said as I crawled around the living room. They were both laughing harder now.

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