Chapter 5

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Jay's P.O.V.

It was the day of Nana's cremation. We couldn't properly go. It cost to much but we were gonna go to the hill near it. Missy still insisted that Hayley and I went to school. I wasn't very happy about it but we had to go for appearances sake. The lad I had a fight with kept on annoying me. Little things like giving me a flat tire and barging into me. The final straw was at lunch. I was walking over to eat lunch when he came over to me and 'tripped'. He tripped over nothing and threw a whole cup of water over me. Everyone started laughing especially him. I kicked him hard in the shins and a fight broke out.

"STOP!" Mr Bell yelled. His arm wrapped around me and he dragged me out of the canteen. 

"What you playing at?" he asked.

"He threw water on me," I said angrily.

"It was an accident," he said.

"No, no it fucking wasn't," I yelled.

"Detention after school today!" he shouted. I was panicking.

"No sir not today please," I begged. Thank god Miss Keane was walking past.

"Alright I will deal with this," Miss Keane said. Mr Bell looked confused but he walked away.

"No detention today but you better be there tomorrow," she said.

"Thanks Miss," I beamed at her.

~that evening~

Missy wasn't too happy about the fight but she soon forgot when the door bell rang. It was Miss Keane. She gave us a lift to the hill. We all stood looking at the building: me, Missy, Hayley, Nas and Miss Keane. Smoke began blowing out of the chimney.

"Is that smoke Nana?" Hayley asked.

"Yeah," Missy replied.

"Did she have a favourite poem?" Miss Keane asked. If I am being honest, I don't think Nana knew what a poem was.

"She like Bat of Hell," Hayley answered. Miss Keane looked kind of surprised. Missy started signing it followed by Hayley and then I joined in. I am not a big singer but it was for Nana. Missy wrapped her arms around us. 

The next day we all walked to school together.

"You got jam on your chops," Missy laughed. She began rubbing Hayley's chin. I walked ahead of them to catch up with some of my mates.

"Jay get back here," Missy said.

"Aww Missy," I groaned.

"Miss Carter wants to talk to us," she said, looking worried. I began freaking out. If she wanted to talk to all of us it must be about Nana. We got into her office and there was some dude sitting in there along with Miss Keane. The guy explained that me and Hayley were gonna be taken into foster care in Bradford.

"You can't send us to Bradford!" I shouted.

"Jay," Miss Carter said.

"No you shut up!" I yelled. She looked pissed but didn't say owt. Missy pulled me back into my seat.

"Sorry," I muttered. 

"You can't take them. You will have to get through me first!" Missy shouted.

"Don't you want what's best for them? This family is brilliant family. They have been fostering for years. Be honest are your stopping them from leaving for their benefit or yours?" Miss Carter said. Missy paused.

"Go on go. I will see you every weekend," she said, tears rolling down her face.

"NO!" Hayley yelled.

"Just go!" Missy shouted.

"The sooner we do this the better," the man said.

"NO!" me and Hayley both yelled.


"Come on Hayley," I said wrapping my arm around her. We stormed out the office to the dude's car. The car was pulling away when Missy sprinted out of the building. She was crying really hard and so were we. 

"I will call you everyday," she shouted threw the window. We pulled out of the school for the journey to Bradford. The guy put some music on.

"This is shit. Can you change it?" I asked. The guy ignored me. 

We arrived at the house. It was proper fancy nothing like ours. The family greeted us. They seemed alright but I didn't wanna talk to them. They made us go to school next day and lets just say I didn't go smoothly. 

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