Chapter 7

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Jay's P.O.V.

On Saturday morning we had a trial thing. I was looking forward to it. Hopefully I could go home. I couldn't stand the new school. I had only been there a week and I had already been in 7 fights.

"Hayley!" Missy shouted when we arrived. They ran to each other and hugged.

"Jay!" she said, just as cheerfully. I gave her a hug as well. I looked around and mum wasn't there.

"Where's mum?" I asked.

"She's trying to get hold of her," explained Missy. My heart sank as if mum would ever get clean.

"Miss Carter!" Missy said. I turned around and there she was.

"Alright? Miss Keane couldn't make it and I thought you could do with some school support. Let's see if we can get you guys home," Miss Carter said. I could see the other two weren't happy to see her either.

"Why would you wanna help us you got us in this mess anyway?" I spat. 

"Jay please," Missy begged. I walked to some seats and sat down.

Mum still hadn't arrived when we were called up. I was shitting myself. I couldn't go back to that other school and I wanted to live with Missy again. We sat in the room waiting to see if Mum turned up. Miss Carter was explaining why we should stay living with Mum. I was kinda glad she helped. She was just saying the usual blather about how our education would suffer.

"You were fine we were living with Nana before but we were looking after Nana rather than the other way round and we coped. We were happy," Missy explained while she tried to hold back her tears. That was when Mum burst in. I was so relieved I could of screamed. After everyone had explained why it would be good for us to go back home, we had to wait for the verdict.

"He looks like Jim from Friday night dinner," I whispered to Hayley. She tried to cover up her laugh and the guy raised an eyebrow at us. Then he stood up and told us they had come up with some sort of arrangement. Basically he said we could go back and live with Mum. I couldn't tell you how happy I was. 

It was good to be back in school the next day. Hayley saw Raz and squealed. They hugged and so did Nas and Missy. Then they did a group hug. I just stood watching them.

"Oh come here," Missy said pulling me in close too. Everyone was watching us and I just stood awkwardly. 

"Ooo la laaaa," Kiaan, my good mate, joked.

"Shut up there my sisters and those two basically are," I said. 

"Wouldn't mind being in your place right now though," Kiaan said.

"Oi," I laughed and pulled him into a headlock. I ruffled his hair and let go.

"Wanna bunk with me?" he asked as we walked to science.

"Hell yeah," I said. I didn't want to go to science.

"Yeah but lets make it fun," Kiaan said with a cheeky smile. I looked at him confused but intrigued none the less.

"Go on."

"We go to lesson and sneak out," he said.

"Alright then bro," I agreed to it. We walked in and took our places. A few minutes in I saw Kiaan disappear under the table. I could see him army crawling towards the door. He looked at me and smiled cheekily. It was a problem he didn't look where he was going because he crawled right onto Mr Hyatt's feet. The class was roaring with laughter.

"Dropped my pen sir," he said as he stood up. Mr Hyatt didn't believe him but carried on teaching. I saw the window was open slightly. It was probably big enough for me to get out of. I ducked down and made it to the window. I pushed it open further and climbed out of it. Once I was on the other side, Mr Hyatt realised I was gone.

"JAY BOOTH BACK IN HERE NOW!" he shouted. He had his back on Kiaan and I saw Kiaan sprint out the door. I met him half way round.

"Where we gonna go? Bike sheds?" he asked.

"Nah lets run round school," I suggested. A smile spread across his face. 

~5 minutes later~

We ran around the corner straight into Miss Carter.

"Oh," I breathed out.

"Oh indeed," she said, "My office now."

"Right lads," she said when we were in her office, "Why did you leave your lesson?"

"Saw a badger outside so I decided to save it from its early doom," I told her. She gave me that teacher look.

"And you Kiaan?" she asked.

"There was a fox in the hall Miss," he explained. Miss Carter sighed.

"You both have isolation. Off you go," Miss Carter said.

~at lunch~

Missy stormed in to the isolation room and walked over to me.

"Everyone's saying you climbed out a window to save a badger," she told me. I looked at her.

"Oh for gods sake," she whined and stormed out the room.

"She's happy," Kiaan laughed.

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