Chapter 12

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Jay's P.O.V.

The next day at school we were all called to have an assembly. Miss Carter was dressed in all black. This wasn't good. She told us about how Mr Qureshi had died last night. My heart sank. He was a brilliant teacher. Forever helping me out of trouble. A tear rolled down my cheek. Man Ackley is a fucked up place. As we walked out the hall, Alya was in front of me. She turned around to look at me.

"Are you crying?" she laughed. Everyone turned.

"Yes I fucking am," I yelled at her. She laughed but no one else did.

"Thought you were a tough guy," she said. I grabbed her and shoved her against a wall.

"Our teacher fucking died and you expect people not to cry," I said to her. I saw Riz but he didn't step in.

"Woah Mr Booth let go of her please," Mr Hyatt said. I let go and walked away. I could hear Alya making up some random crap but loads of people were telling him what actually happened. Missy followed me down the corridor. She pulled me into a hug and I completely broke down.

"Hey! Calm down," she said as she stroked my hair.

~2 hours later~

I was sitting in science. Normally science was a lesson were everyone messed around but today everyone was quiet.

"Jay Booth to Miss Carter's office please," Lorraine said over the loud speaker. I grabbed my bag and walked out.

"Are you alright?" Miss Carter asked when I sat down. I nodded. She smiled weakly.

"What happened after assembly? We have had some pupils tell us but I want to hear from you," Miss Carter asked. I explained everything and lets just say she didn't look happy.

"Thank you Jay. You can go back to class now," she told me.

"I don't have isolation?" I asked.

"No. Do you think you deserve isolation?" she asked me.

"No," I said and I walked back to class.

~that evening~ 

I walked into the living room and Missy and Mrs Paracha were sitting on the sofa. I could hear them arguing and I went stood behind them.

"What did you say Sunday for?" Missy asked her.

"I panic. There's no direct flights from Leeds to Pakistan any more, Pakistan International only fly from Manchester now," Mrs Paracha told her. I was very confused.

"You're not actually going anywhere!" Missy said.

"Shut up, Missy, you bloody confusing me," Mrs Paracha said. Trust me she can't of been as confused as I was. The phone pinged.

"Give me the phone," Missy yelled as she pulled it out of Mrs Paracha's hands. Mrs Paracha gasped and I walked over to see what had happened. My jaw dropped.

"Bloody hell," I said, "She's got a pair on her." Missy smacked my thigh and they both ran next door.

~few hours later~

I was lying on the sofa when Missy came in. She had mascara stained all down her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked, sitting up.

"Oh I messed up," she told me.

"Okay..." I said. A fresh stream of tears ran down her face. 

"Oh come here," I said. In that moment she seemed small. It was crazy. Normally she is this big, crazy character but now, well, now she was the opposite. 

~the weekend~

Mum had a job interview that Missy had got her. I have no idea how she managed it. I mean come on who would let mum have an interview. I decided to invite Lauren over because they were all out.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey," I said back. She came over and I kissed her.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, you?" she asked me.

"Not to bad." We spent the next few hours chatting, kissing and just generally having a good time. We were in the middle of having a snog when the door opened. Shit! They were home early.

"Woah," Missy said. I let go of Lauren and looked at them.

"I better, I better go," Lauren said.

"Bye. See you in school," I said. When she had gone, they all turned to look at me.

"Got a girlfriend then?" Missy asked.

"No I just randomly found a woman to snog," I replied.

"You what?!?" Missy asked, walking over to me.

"I'm joking, of course she's my girlfriend," I said as I backed away.

"Well you know what I always say," Mum said. I rolled my eyes.

"Treat her well and you can't go wrong," Mum said and me and Missy both mouthed along.

~on Monday~

I was walking to maths with Kiaan and a few of my other mates when we saw a huge group of people. We walked over and I saw Missy screaming at Alya.

"If Riz says owt else about my sister, it won't just be his neck he has to worry about," Missy yelled. I was so confused. To be honest I often am. 

"You tell her Missy," a random kid yelled.

"You can shut your face and all. Make you feel like the big man does it? Talking trash about my sister," Missy yelled at him. I was very confused now.

"Missy, what's happened?" Nas asked. Oh thank god I was about to get an explanation. 

"Riz has been shooting his mouth off about our Hayley," Missy replied. All confusion was now replaced with anger.

"Riz and Hayley? As if he'd go anywhere near that skank," Alya spat at Missy.

"What the fuck you playing at?" I shouted. Missy smacked Alya hard across the face and she fell over, screaming. I thought about joining in but decide that this was Missy's turn.

"You think you are so much better than us, don't you? With your flash house and your sparkly hijabs," Missy yelled as she pinned Alya to the ground. 

"Get off me," Alya screamed.

"Leave it Missy!" Hayley yelled. Why the fuck did Hayley want her to leave it, she was sticking up for her.

"No, Hayley. Riz needs to learn to keep his dirty mouth shut," Missy shouted. I have no idea how a teacher hadn't come yet.

"He's telling the truth," Hayley yelled. Missy stopped and everyone gasped.

"What did you just say?" I asked.

"I'm sorry," Hayley cried and she ran off down the corridor. Me and Missy followed.

"Wait you and Riz?" I asked. 

"All that stuff he said. I did it. I thought he liked me," Hayley said, in tears.

"Come here," Missy said and she hugged Hayley.

"I'm gonna sort this," Missy said.

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