Chapter 16

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Jay's P.O.V.

We decided to throw Missy an engagement party. We got crisps and drinks, the lot. I got home from school and helped Mum and Hayley set it up. Loads of people started arriving, including Shannon. She had always had a thing for me. I was happy because Saleem came and it meant I didn't have to face everyone alone. The door opened and Missy and Nas came in. 

"SUPRISE!" We all yelled. I could tell that Missy knew. I mean she was dressed up proper nice but she tried to act surprised. 

"You knew didn't you?" Mum asked. Missy said nothing.

"I can't even get a stupid surprise party right," Mum said.

"No, it's perfect, Mum," Missy said and she hugged her. The music started playing and all the girls began squealing. I smiled. I loved seeing everyone so happy for once. Everyone was dancing.

"Come on," Missy said as she tried to convince Aaron to dance. He reluctantly agreed.

"Right. If I'm doing it, you are too. Come on," he said to me and Saleem. I followed them into the circle. It was kind of awkward because I towered over the rest of them.

"Alright Jay?" Shannon asked me when we had stopped dancing. 

"Yeah. You?" I asked. I took an awkward gulp of beer. I had managed to sneak one without anyone noticing.

"Yeah. Looking handsome as ever, might I add," she said. I choked on my drink. It's really starting to become a problem now. Missy hit me on the back and I stopped dying. The rest of the night went smoothly.

I woke up the next day at about 1. I went downstairs and saw Missy sitting with her head in her hands.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Mum's taken something and now she's gone," Missy said. My heart sank. I wrapped my arm around her.

"It's going to be okay," I reassured her but I didn't really believe myself. 

We went to the place where Mum normally stayed after she had taken something. Missy had invited Nas and Aaron to come as well. It's always best to have more people. We followed Aaron inside. I hated coming here. I remember the first time I went when I was 9. I will always remember that day. That was the first time I saw that life wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. We walked into a room and saw Mum on the sofa. Who knows what she had taken but she recognized us that was for sure. Aaron put her arm around her waist and helped her out. 

"I'm sorry," Mum said, "Useless. I know I am. I'm useless." 

"No you're not," Hayley told her. 

"I am. It's just so hard. Everything I do I mess it up. The party," Mum said.

"Everyone loved the party," Hayley told her. I mean it was kind of awkward but not because of Mum. 

"You don't understand," Mum said.

"Why don't you tell us then, yeah? Make us understand," Missy rounded on her.

"I just wanted a smoke, all right? Nowt's as good without a smoke" Mum told her. 

"Nothing's changed at all, has it?" Missy screamed.

"It has, I swear!" Mum said. Missy grabbed Mum. Oh God, R.I.P. Simone Booth lived a drug filled life until she was murdered by her own daughter.

"How many times have we heard this? I can't do it anymore, Mum. Us three need to be able to move forward. And you, you just keep dragging us round in circles," Missy shouted. She was still pulling Mum along and we arrived back at the place we had got Mum from.

"Hayley! Baby, tell her. We can get through this," Mum said. How many times had we heard that? 

"If you love us even a little bit, you will leave us alone," Missy told her.

"Missy, please," Mum begged. Missy ignored her wrapped one arm around Hayley and one around me and we walked off. 

"Hayley. Jay. Please," Mum begged. Missy carried on pulling us down the street. I could see that Hayley was silently crying. We got home and went inside the house. I ran upstairs and pulled my phone out. I had a message from my friend, Ash.

Oi look who I seen in town

New Snap

I opened it up and saw a picture of Lauren kissing some guy. My heart stopped. I thought I was going to be sick. I kicked my bed frame hard because well I am a British teenage boy and that's what we do. I lay down on my bed and started crying. 

~a few hours later~

I went downstairs to get some food. 

Missy's P.O.V.

I could tell Jay had been crying.

"You alright?" I asked him. I saw a tear roll down his cheek. 

"Aww come here," I told him. He curled up next to me and I began stroking his hair. He seemed so tiny.

"We don't need Mum. She just keeps us from moving on," I comforted him.

"It's not that. L-Lauren cheated on me," he stammered. I felt so bad for him.

"You don't need her. You're way to good for her," I told him. He still stayed curled up to me and a little while later I realised he was asleep. I thought about carrying him up to bed but of course I wasn't able to.

Jay's P.O.V.

When I woke up, I was asleep on the sofa, curled up next to Missy. I ran and got my school uniform on. I came back downstairs and everyone was there. Hayley was ignoring everyone.

"What's up with you, mardy bum?" Missy asked her. Hayley ignored her. 

"Are you angry with me?" Missy asked. 

"No," Hayley said. Aaron was looking at Hayley so I grabbed a bit of his toast.

"What is it then?" Missy asked.

"Are social gonna take us away again?" Hayley asked Missy. My head shot up. I'd been thinking the same thing. Missy looked at Aaron.

"No," Missy reassured us. 

"How do you know?" I asked. 

"Cos we've still got an adult living here," Missy said.

"I'm moving in," Aaron told us. Me and Hayley smiled. Aaron gave Missy a kiss.

"Oi who took my toast?" Aaron asked. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door.

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