Chapter 26

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Jay's P.O.V.

I was sitting in the quad with my mates.

"Oi dare you to run into the middle of the quad and yell some shit," Oliver said to me.

"Yeah we need a good laugh," Kiaan said. 

"Alright," I said, I mean why not.

"OI EVERYONE LISTEN UP," I yelled. Everyone turned to stare at me.

"So how are we finding ABC, Ackley Bridge College, the best school in Ackley? Well the only school in Ackley. Pretty good innit. Well actually it ain't because all the teachers here are twats. Like full on twats," I yelled. Loads of people were laughing.

"And if I could tell you all something it would be that look out for this face because you've got a model on your hands," I shouted. I began strutting up and down the quad. Kiaan and Oliver were pissing themselves. Mr Evershed came over to me.

"Kid what are you doing?" he asked.

"Oh come on sir. This not to your liking? I mean I've got to be better than most of your Grindr hook ups that's for sure," I said. Pretty much everyone in the quad was laughing. Mr Evershed looked murderous. 

"Miss Carter's office now," he told me.

"Oh come on sir you're only jealous cos I'm so sexy," I said.

"GO!" he shouted. I walked to Miss Carter's office with Mr Evershed. I waited outside while he explained what I had done.

"Right you can come in now Jay," she said. I walked in and took a seat.

"So I hear you have been disrespectful to a member of staff," she said.

"Aww Miss do you not remember how I was to Mr Shah? I mean compared to that I was practically treating him like a saint," I said.

"Yeah well we do not want a repeat of Mr Shah," Miss Carter said. 

"I don't even want to know what happened with Mr Shah," Mr Evershed said.

"Very true," I said.

"You've got isolation for the rest of the day so off you go," Miss Carter told me.

~next day~

I was in maths and I was so bored. I started talking to Kiaan. We were talking about the average stuff.

"Imagine if Lorraine got Only Fans," I said. Kiaan laughed.

"Is there something you want to share with the class, boys?" Mr Roberts asked.

"No sir," we both said.

"No go on I want to know what is so important you have to interrupt my lesson," Mr Roberts said and he stopped teaching. Well, if he wanted to know, I would tell him.

"Well, sir, I was just saying like what if Lorraine had Only Fnas," I told him. The class started laughing.

"Out," Mr Roberts shouted and I got up and left. I decided to just walk around the school for a bit. I was passing computing when I saw an abandoned spinning chair. I ran out onto the quad on and jumped on the chair. I was pushing myself along and people were staring at me from the windows. I hit a stone and tipped over backwards.

"Shit," I yelled as I hit the floor. Mr Evershed came out onto the quad.

"Jay Booth, come here now," he shouted. Loads of people were watching us now. I got up off the floor and jumped back on the chair.

"You'll have to catch me first," I said and I zoomed away on the chair. I spun around the corner straight into Miss Carter. 

"My office now," Miss Carter said. I walked with her into the office.

"Come on now Jay. It's your GCSE year, you really need to knuckle down," she told me. I just rolled my eyes. I got up and started walking towards the door.

"Jay..." Miss Carter said.

"Isolation I know," I said. I left the room and made my way to isolation.

"Oi Booth you know your Mum is revert, right?" some guy yelled at me. I ignored him. 

~next day~

"We're going to see mum," Missy told me and Hayley.

"What? Why?" I asked. She explained all about the revert stuff and we went to the park to see her. Apparently she had got a new boyfriend and 'changed'. I doubted it. I mean how many times had we heard that?

"You came," Mum said and she came running over. She hugged us all 1 by 1. Hayley didn't look very happy but then again neither did I. We played in the park with Zaffar's kids for hours. Missy walked off out the park and Nas followed her. Me and Hayley got home much later and Missy was lying on the sofa.

~next day~

I was sitting in form.

"Jay can I speak to you for a second please?" Miss Carter asked me. I followed her outside.

"Umm Missy's been hit by a car," Miss Carter explained.

"Is she okay?" I asked.

"Few broken bones but she should be alright," Miss Carter told me.

"Can I see her?" I asked.

"No not yet," Miss Carter said. 

~after school~

Missy and Mum arrived home. We ran out to say hello. Hayley hugged Missy and probably broke every other bone in her body. 

"I've not been gone that long you soft cow," Missy said. 

Mum called Zaffar and he came around as well. We all got fish and chips and were talking about loads of different stuff.

"Oi how wrote about my big gob on my cast?" Missy asked. They all looked at me and Missy laughed. We carried on chatting for a bit.

"You ok love?" Zaffar asked Missy.

"You look dead tired," Hayley told her. 

"I'm fine," she said.

"We'll head off soon," Zaffar said.

"Stay. If you like," Missy told them.

"Of course we'll stay. You head up love. Get some rest. I'll bring you a hot water bottle," Mum told Missy. Missy got up and went upstairs. 

The next morning Nas came round. She looked proper bashed up but that's not surprising as she had been hit by a car.

"Is she still in bed?" Nas asked.

"Yeah," I replied. Nas went up to wake her up and came down screaming for my Mum.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's Missy," Nas said and she had tears streaming down her face.

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