Chapter 14

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Jay's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning to an extremely loud honking noise. I walked to the window and saw it was Aaron.

"Shut the fuck up," I yelled at him and I got back into bed.

~20 minutes later~

Missy stormed out the house and I followed after her. Aaron was still there.

"Missy, Missy, why you being such a cow?" he said.

"Oi don't call her cow," I said. 

"I'm here because I like you. Why is that so hard for you to understand?" Aaron asked.

"You don't even know me," Missy said. I'm pretty sure he did but ah well.

"I know enough," Aaron told her.

"All right, if you know me so well- what's my favourite film?" she asked him.

"Easy- Step Up," he answered. 

"Wrong," Missy said. If he was wrong, why did we have to watch it so bloody much?

"Well, ask me another one then," Aaron said.

"What's my favourite day of the year?" she asked. Me and Nas just stood watching them.

"How am I...? I don't know. Christmas?" he said.

"Wrong again," Missy said and she stormed past him.

"It's the fireworks for Eid. Your Nana used to take you guys to watch them on the hill," Aaron said. Missy slowed down. He was right. Then after a few seconds she carried on. I hung back with Aaron. 

"You know why she is so resistant? It's because she doesn't feel like she needs anyone. All she has ever had is herself. She will come round. Eventually. I'll make sure of it. You're a good guy Aaron," I told him and I ran off to catch up with Missy and Nas.

"Why are you being so resistant? He loves you and you love him," I asked her.

"Did you not hear what he said about Hayley and Riz," she said to me.

"Nah you don't actually care about that. Not really. You just want an excuse to push yourself away from him because you can't handle anyone being there for you," I said to her.

"Just leave it Jay," she said. I sighed. She knew I was right but didn't want to admit it.

"Why are you so stubborn?" I asked her.

"I'm not," Missy said. I laughed.

~after school~

I was lying on the sofa and Mum was sorting out some mops she had bought. I was watching some decent T.V. for once because Missy and Hayley had a play rehearsal. The front door opened and Missy came in. 

"What do you think, love? I got 100 more on order. State of the art, is this. It's got a retractable head and everything," Mum told Missy. Missy looked so pissed I almost laughed.

"You're unbelievable," Missy said.

"What have I done now?" Mum asked. 

"You're worrying about some poxy mop. You know Hayley's back with Riz don't you?" Missy told her. 

"She's what?" I asked.

"Said she loved him and all," Missy said.

"I thought she might," Mum said.

"What? Is that all you've got to say?" Missy asked her. 

"She's young. She's got to learn from her mistakes," Mum said. Missy looked like she would happily murder Mum on the spot.

"That's just typical of you, that is. Why don't you try being a Mum for once in your life?," Missy said. 

"Because you never let me. You're suffocating her Missy," Mum replied.

"She needs looking after," Missy said.

"And who's looking after you?" Mum asked. We should have a reality show. Keeping up with the Booth's. It would be full of drama that's for sure.

"I can take care of myself," Missy replied. 

"You know your problem? You have spent so long looking after everyone else. You never gave yourself a chance did you?" Mum said.

"This isn't about me," Missy retorted. 

"Well, it should be. Cos if anyone deserves to be happy, it's my Missy," Mum told her. Missy looked away. 

"I am happy," Missy said. 

"So why did you dump Aaron?" Mum asked. 

"He said he loved me, didn't he?" Missy said. What the actual hell? I thought that was a good thing but obviously not. Would she prefer it is he said I hate you bitch? I mean come on. 

"And you got scared?" Mum asked. 

"We all know what he's after," Missy answered. No not all of us knew. I had no clue what she meant.

"He said it cos he likes you Missy. Take it from someone who knows. Because no bloke I've ever been with looked at me the way he does you," Mum told her. 

"You're just saying that," Missy said.

"I've seen them all over year. The liars, the thieves..." Mum said.

"The one who put you in hospital," I added.

"But what you've got to remember is, there are some good ones put there. And I hate to think of you missing out because of me," Mum said. Missy was crying now and Mum left the room.

"Just speak to him," I said. 

~next day~

I was just sitting on the sofa when Missy came home. She was drinking some coke. Hayley walked in the room.

"You all right?" Hayley asked her.

"Yeah," Missy answered.

"What I said yesterday..." Hayley started to say.

"Forget it," Missy told her.

"I can look after myself, you know. I learnt that from you, didn't I?" Hayley told her. Missy smiled. I was hoping for Missy to put down her coke but sadly she didn't.

"We're going out at the weekend to sell Mum's mops. Do you want to come with us?" Hayley asked. 

"I'm seeing Aaron, ain't I?" Missy said, "You can come, if you want." I wanted to ask how come she got to get out of selling mops and I didn't but I decided against it. 

"You can bring Riz, if you like," Missy said. 

"Alya's told me I've got to stay away from him," Hayley said.

"The bitch just cos no one likes her doesn't mean she stop other people from seeing each other," I said.

"Someone needs to tell that stuck-up cow where to go," Missy said. 

"No I can handle Alya," Hayley said as she took a sip of Missy's coke. Damn I had missed my chance. 

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