Chapter 30

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Jay's P.O.V.

They pulled me into the corridor and I kicked the nearest locker in frustration.

"Calm down," Miss Oakes told me. I slumped down onto the floor and completely broke down. There was lots of shouting coming from the canteen and Miss Oakes went to see what was happening. She came back a few seconds later with a very angry Hayley. She saw I was crying and sat down next to me.

"That kid's gonna pay," Hayley said.

"Not a good idea," Mr Evershed told us.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Well, you don't want to be kicked out, do you? Or arrested?" Mr Evershed asked.

"Don't care about being kicked out and I've been arrested before so..." I told him.

"You've been arrested before?" Miss Oakes asked.

"Yes. Stole a moped but charges weren't pressed," I told her.

"So you got away with it?" she asked.

"No, Missy didn't..." I trailed off and stared at my feet.

"Well, I think it would be best if you two went home for the rest of the day," Miss Oakes said.

We both got up and went home.

~next day~

I was in history when the fire alarm went off.

"Halle-fucking-lujah," I yelled and I got up and ran out the class room. We all had to wait outside and eventually they let us back in. We were just walking to class when Candice walked over to Dan. She pushed him off this ledge thing and he landed badly on his arm. We could all tell it was broken from the cracking sound it made. They had to call an ambulance and Candice got in proper trouble. Apparently she did it because of this group the lads have. Hayley was proper pissed at Riz because he was in it. She had him doing everything and it made my life 10x easier. 

A few nights later Kiaan invited me to go clubbing with him. When we got there, I saw that Hayley was there. I mean it was hard to tell at first because she was snogging Riz. I grabbed a beer and we had a sick night. Literally. Kiaan had one to many and got kicked out. We were just at the door when he threw up all over this girls shoes.

"Sorry," I said to her as I tried to drag him out the building. It was getting late and Hayley and Riz were leaving as well.

"I'm going to be sick," Kiaan said again. I tried to grab the nearest bin but I was too late. Kiaan threw up all down the front of Hayley's dress. 

"Oi what you playing at?" Riz shouted as he grabbed Kiaan's shirt. I pulled Kiaan away from Riz.

"Leave him alone. He's smashed. He don't know what he's doing," I said.

"So you're sticking up for him," Hayley said.

"I'm not sticking up for anyone," I told her. I turned away and walked Kiaan back to his house. I knocked on the door and his dad answered. 

"Hello," he said.

"Err hi," I said.

"Had too much drink?" his dad asked. I nodded and his dad shook his head.

"Just like his brother. Well thanks for dropping him off," Kiaan's dad said. I walked home in the cold and dark. When I got back Hayley and Riz were sitting on the sofa next to Mum. I ignored them and went upstairs. Hayley ran out, after me.

"Sorry for saying you picked sides," she said quickly.

"It's fine. Sorry he threw up on you," I said.

"It weren't your fault," she said. I carried on walking up to my room.

"Are you coming to the rugby tomorrow?" she asked.

"I can't miss you dressed up as a lion now can I?" I told her.

The next day we all got the coach to the match. Anyone could come and watch. Hayley looked great in her costume. They weren't that good but it was funny watching Hayley rage and throw her lion head on the ground. 

A few weeks later Miss Carter came in with her son. He was honestly so adorable.

"Miss he's so cute," I said. She smiled and then Candice came over.

"Why didn't you tell me our babies are brothers?" Candice asked. I was shocked.

"Miss Carter and Jordan?" I asked.

"No. Miss Carter and Cory," Candice told me.

"Who many Wilson's does one person need?" I asked. All of them glared at me and I decided it would be best to get to form. 

A couple of weeks later, the school were having a fundraiser to raise money for the girls rugby team. We all had to make these promise things and people bought tickets. Hayley sold the most tickets by far. She was letting whoever won go on a date with Riz. The hall was all set up with different tables dotted around. Candice got up. She had pledged to give whoever won a makeover. I was hoping I didn't win. Kiaan had dared me to buy a strip.

"Gold 112," Candice said as she pulled out the bingo ball. Shit! I had won.

"Aww look it's Jay," Kiaan yelled. Everyone was cheering and laughing and I went up to the stage.

"Okay for the final promise, pledged by Hayley Booth, a date with her boyfriend Riz Nawaz," Miss Oakes said and everyone cheered. Mrs Nawaz gave Hayley the dirtiest look going. She would probably give Missy a run for her money. 

"Blue 168," Riz said.

"Oh! Oh! Oh. It's me. It's actually me," Nas said. Sam and Naveed were dying with laughter. I don't know who said it but rumours were flying around about Nas being a lesbian. I mean she was but she wanted it to be a secret. 

"So when are you going to cash in your prize?" Candice asked me at break a few days later.

"Now. He wants it now," Kiaan said. I glared at him.

"Okay," Candice said and she pulled out a shed load of make up from her bag. She put my hair up into a top knot and got started. Kiaan was pissing himself with laughter and loads of people were watching us. 

"Done," she told me a little while later.

"Thanks," I said, "I look proper sexy." I began strutting up and down the quad.

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